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Installation and Use Tutorial of WPML Plugin_WordPress Multilingual Translation Plugin_Translation Plugin for Foreign Trade Website

WPML plug-in It's a Wordpress multilingual translation plug-in , which supports the translation of more than 40 languages, and is easy to use among many wordpress translation plug-ins. Lao Wei shared it before GTranslate plug-in installation and use tutorial The GTranslate plug-in is a machine translation, and the result is relatively stiff. When encountering professional words, it may not convey the meaning. The WPML plug-in is much better. Lao Wei will share the installation and use of the WPML plug-in in detail.

 WPML plug-in installation and use tutorial

WPML plug-in installation and use tutorial

Lao Wei is not familiar with this plug-in. After inquiry and query, he found that The translation content of WPML plug-in needs your own translation , or you can give it to others through WPML Translation Management to help you translate. The machine translation of the GTranslate plug-in is completely different from that of the GTranslate plug-in, which should be noticed by novices.

The purpose of using WPML is to create a small language website without creating a secondary domain name website. At the same time, the small language content can be indexed by Google translation and searched by users of the corresponding language in Google. In addition, manual translation can improve the accuracy of translation.

This is the same as the paid version of GTranslate plug-in, but the free version cannot.

WPML plug-in installation

WPML is not a separate plug-in, but consists of core plug-ins and multiple additional plug-ins. First, install the core WPML multilingual plug-in. Then you can consider installing any combination of additional plug-ins, including the following:

WPML String Translation, WPML Translation Management, WPML Media Translation, WPML Sticky Links, WPML CMS Navigation. It's enough to watch. Old Wei only said the core plug-in: WPML Multilingual CMS.

WPML is also compatible with common plug-ins and themes on the market, such as Contact form 7 Avada、Elementor、Woocommerce、Yoast SEO、Slider Revolution、Gravity Forms、BuddyPress、Advanced Custom Fields、MailChimp。

This plug-in is a paid plug-in, so it cannot be found in the official WordPress plug-in area. It can only be downloaded after paying on the WPML official website.

If you want to simply translate websites, themes and plug-ins, just upload the WPML Multilingual CMS plug-in (the first installation), WPML String Translation, and WPML Translation Management and enable them.

WPML plug-in initialization settings

1. At the beginning of WPML configuration, you will be asked what language the current page is, and you will choose according to the actual situation. At present, if it is English, we choose English. Our foreign trade websites are all English websites by default;

The picture shows a Chinese website. Old Wei will not change it, and Chinese will choose Chinese.

2. You need to select the language to be enabled for the website, that is, the language you want to translate into. You can also add or delete languages later;

3. Next, set the language switcher of WPML.

Sort the selected languages and set the display format of the language switcher in the footer. As shown in the figure below, Lao Wei merged the two parts into one picture.

4. Next, whether to send the compatibility report, the WPML plug-in official can provide compatibility help according to the plug-in and theme information obtained from your website.

5. Enter the site key to obtain the WPML update. This can be omitted. Click reminder me later. If you are interested, you can buy it.

6. Click finish to complete the initialization step.

WPML plug-in settings

1. For classified translation of classified directories, tags and user-defined articles, the classified directories are set in the classified translation of WPML. Click the+of the corresponding language in the figure below to automatically translate. Just save it. The pencil symbol means that the translation has been completed.

To customize article classification, go to Translation Management>Multilingual Content Settings and check Custom Classification.

2. Page translation

The toolbar on the top of the background will display the current language environment, as shown in Simplified Chinese.

Click the plus sign in the language option of the background article page list to add the corresponding page translation, The content of the translation page in specific language needs to be added by yourself, not translated by WPML If you don't know how to translate, you can use WPML Translation Management. Its principle is probably to translate manually and return it to your website through WPML.

The corresponding symbol of the translated page is pencil.

The page translation is also the same operation, and Lao Wei will not take additional screenshots.

3. Menu translation

You need to add the menu in advance, with content.

Click the WPML>wp menu below to synchronize. The translation corresponding to the home page on the right is home @ English. You need to go to the menu in English environment to manually translate.

This is also true for Portuguese and Spanish. You need to manually add your own translation content.

The specific operation is to open the Appearance>menu in the background of Wordpress, select English, Portugal or Spain as the language on the top of the background, and then enter the menu translation content of the corresponding language below.

4. String translation

Translate strings in themes, plug-ins, and the background.

In addition to articles and pages, there are other elements that need to be translated. This includes front-end text from themes and plug-ins, menus, gadgets, and so on.

You can also send these types of content to others for translation, or translate them directly yourself.

Search the string you want to translate in the following figure, click Translate to add translation content, click outside the editing area after the translation, and Translation Saved will appear.

5. If WordPress reports an error, consider the adjustment of multilingual function ID enabled by WPML by default. Cancel this option to see if the error will disappear.

6. Because the length of strings in different languages is completely different, sometimes your website will have typographical problems, which will lead to out of shape. So when we translate, we give priority to website typography, mainly to control the number of translated words.

7. The WPML plug-in is very powerful and updated quickly. If you do not match the image location in this article when setting, the plug-in is upgraded again, but the general location will not change much.

Lao Wei's summary

Students often ask WPML plug-in Whether it is easy to use, and whether the WPML plug-in can be used for WordPress Multilingual Translation Plug in , the answer is yes. However, you should first make clear that WPML is a paid plug-in, including three pay packages: Multilingual blog, Multilingual CMS and Multilingual Agency. There are two translation methods. One is your own translation. Do you know the target language? How confident are you about the accurate translation of professional words? The second is the manual translation of high-end paid packages. Only Multilingual CMS and Multilingual Agency can use manual translation, and the price is also high. You can start to use it if necessary.

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Article name: WPML Plug in Installation and Use Tutorial _ WordPress Multilingual Translation Plug in _ Foreign Trade Website Translation Plug in
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/22985.html
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