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What are the common columns of the foreign trade website _ What columns should be included to build the foreign trade website

Foreign trade website column It is a concrete embodiment of the core framework of the website, generally including core products, services that the factory can provide, delivery, payment, factory equipment, strength, warehousing, technology, research and development, online transactions, online chat, online inquiry, contact us, blog and other functions. The purpose of deploying foreign trade website columns is to show the details, strength and development of the factory to foreign users on the other side of the ocean. The selection and formulation of columns are directly related to the future development direction of the website, the drainage effect and how much customers can know about the factory through the website. Today, Lao Wei will share some knowledge about the selection of columns on foreign trade websites.

 What are the common columns on foreign trade websites
What are the common columns on foreign trade websites

With the continuous development of China's economy, there are more and more foreign trade factories, foreign trade companies, soho, and foreign trade websites. Since there are so many foreign trade peers, why do foreign customers choose you or not? Through the detailed introduction of the factory from multiple perspectives and different dimensions on the foreign trade website, customers have enough knowledge and trust in your factory even without face to face. The following emails, online chat, telephone communication, exhibition communication, factory inspection and so on are the last words. If the customer does not find the answer he wants on the foreign trade website, and the first impression is not good, then the latter ones should not be considered.

Compared with factories, foreign trade companies and soho are more interested in building foreign trade websites. They don't have physical factories and sell goods by contacting customers, so they often attach great importance to the construction of foreign trade websites. In order to write this article, Lao Wei went to Google the domestic foreign trade website and found that many domestic foreign trade websites have only a few columns: home, about us,products,contact us, From such a website, foreign customers cannot really understand the details of the factory.

Common columns of foreign trade websites

The following columns are considered standard:

  • Home: Home page of the website. It is usually used to show the image, products, strength, etc. of the factory. Lao Wei found that it is very smart to set blog as the home page of foreign trade websites directly, and the ranking is also good;
  • About us: About us. Generally, the introduction of the factory, the year when it was established, and how it was developed;
  • Information (News/blog&Events): the latest information, generally including factory news/blog and factory events. This is the place that can best reflect the comprehensive strength of a factory. Smart website operators will work hard here to establish the factory image from these two perspectives and deepen the understanding of visitors. In addition, these two columns do not necessarily exist. Some factories are small, so it is also possible to put only one blog column on foreign trade websites instead of information and events. Lao Wei shared it before The necessity of adding blogs to foreign trade websites The subtlety of it is naturally understood by those who understand it;
  • R&D:=Research and Development. Foreign customers not only attach importance to the strength of the factory, product quality, and who the factory provides services for, but also care about your sustainable development ability;
  • Products: This is a column on every foreign trade website. If there are many kinds of products, there will be more categories. There is nothing to say here;
  • Help (FAQ): There are many precautions in the use and storage of many products, which can be put here to form a knowledge base slowly;
  • Packing&shipping: The way of product packaging and transportation is also one of the concerns of foreign customers. Displaying appropriate content here will help deepen customers' understanding of the factory and build confidence;
  • Environment: Foundry, chemical industry, machinery manufacturing and other industries can focus on their own dust removal, sewage discharge, waste gas and wastewater treatment equipment, workflow and achievements, which is an integral item for European and American users;
  • Factory: factory conditions, including factory photos, workshop photos, equipment photos, etc. Here, equipment photos are also listed separately in the equipment column;
  • Certificates: Qualification certificates. Don't put the domestic ones, including the 9001-2001 certification. The foreign customers know more about how the certificate came from than we do. It's meaningless. What you want to put is the international certificates with weight and weight in your industry, such as Lloyd's Register of Shipping, EU certification, various American certifications, etc. All industries are different, so I will not list them here. For example, electrical products should have at least one China CCC certification. However, there are also negative teaching materials. Lao Wei has seen some foreign trade websites display wonderful certificates such as the honor certificate of domestic XX enterprises, model enterprises in XX city, and advanced large tax payers in XX, which is a waste of time and money;
  • Terms of Use: Some foreign trade products involve after-sales service. Here are some agreed terms;
  • Customer Service: customer service items, which may overlap with after-sales service. We should make choices according to our own factory and product conditions;
  • Download: Some foreign trade products regularly update parameters, and the manufacturer will make pdf files to be downloaded online;
  • Contact Us: Contact us. This is also an essential section of the foreign trade website, which includes email, address, telephone, online chat and other contact information.
  • Inquiry: Inquiry. This is for visitors to make inquiries. In fact, this column is usually placed in contact us or a related page, and rarely a separate page is listed.
  • Another thing to note is that so many columns cannot be placed in the navigation bar of the home page all at once. So there are some that can be merged and some that can be replaced. You can make a choice according to the actual situation of your factory and products.

On the basis of rich columns Match with a stable and fast host server This is to complement each other. With a good horse and a good saddle, customers can quickly open the website without downtime from time to time, and can quickly find the answers they need from the website columns. Next, Lao Wei introduces the wordpress virtual host, which is specially used for building wordpress foreign trade stations.


Foreign trade website recommends virtual host

Here, the website recommended by Lao Wei for foreign trade is the siteground virtual host, which is also the host officially recommended by WordPress.

Siteground virtual host( Click me directly )It is an American host company that provides Wordpress website building virtual host, which is characterized by SSD solid state disk, unique cache acceleration plug-in, three-level cache, using the latest version of php, one click to open https, one click to open Cloudflare CDN website acceleration

There are many benefits of using Siteground virtual host to establish foreign trade website. For details, see Benefits of choosing Siteground virtual host for foreign trade websites

After you have purchased the siteground virtual host, you need to set up the DNS domain name and wordpress website. Please see Initial configuration of new SiteGround/DNS resolution and detailed graphic and text process of wordpress program installation

If you have any questions during the purchase and use of siteground, please see the Siteground topic , which is full of content sharing related to the siteground.

Two core 4G memory and 3M bandwidth are selected for the theme and plug-in of foreign website construction, which can run smoothly.
Domestic servers: Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud (All have vouchers, which can be used to save money when paying), I don't know how to select regions and configurations. Please add Lao Wei's contact information on the right side of the page. Let's study it together.

Foreign trade websites, B2C/C2C, etc. suggest registering domain names abroad. open Namesilo official website , enter the domain name to be registered in the search box, select it and then register. Remember to use the discount code to save money before paying. Discount code click Course of domain name registration of foreign domain name provider Namesilo obtain.

Suggested choice of foreign trade website Hostinger virtual host , the price is cheap and the performance price ratio is very high! Hostinger topic
SiteGround virtual host Moderate price, good service! SiteGround Theme

Lao Wei's summary

In general, with the above Foreign trade website column Only in this way can we show the factory and products to foreign customers from multiple dimensions. Lao Wei suggested that we prepare relevant materials in advance and often enrich the website with fresh content. The column is only one aspect of the website seo and the skeleton of the website. It is convenient to work and refine the work after the shelf is set up. The column is such a connecting frame. I hope that foreign traders, especially those who plan to build foreign trade websites and those who have already established foreign trade websites, can appreciate the content of this article, increase or improve your foreign trade website, and will bring you more traffic and income.

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Article name: What are the common columns of the foreign trade website? What columns should be included in building the foreign trade website
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/22913.html
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