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Mormon Cloud - free CDN acceleration free Hong Kong node acceleration

The Weieis blog mentioned the use of DNSPOD and Tencent Cloud CDN accelerate website opening Tencent Cloud CDN provides free 10G traffic to registered users every month. There is one in the same country Devil's Gate Cloud CDN acceleration service provider, providing limited time Free CDN acceleration Functions. The filing website will be placed on domestic nodes, which will provide faster access; If your website is not filed, you will be switched to two nodes in Hong Kong.

Today, let's experience the use of Mormon Cloud registration. first Click me to open the official website address of Devil's Gate Cloud , and then start to register your account.

After registration, you need to click the link in the email to activate your account, and then enter your personal information to use it normally. For a new user, a gift package of 300 yuan will be given after the account is activated, which can be used for the deduction of CDN acceleration recharge. It is very affordable.

Now follow the wizard prompts to quickly add a domain name that points to the VPS of the United States.

Because this domain name has not been filed, Mormon Cloud sent an email reminding that only foreign CDN acceleration nodes, such as Hong Kong nodes, can be used.

At this time, the www domain name and the domain name without www are added as two sites. At the same time, add a TXT record in your domain name DNS management background (my Wannet domain name). The host name is cm, and the record value is an activation code provided by the background of Mormon Cloud. At the same time, add the CNAME address provided by Mormon Cloud.

Wait a few minutes and then go back to the background of Devil's Gate Cloud to refresh the status and it will become activated.

Lao Wei pointed the test domain name to an IP address in Los Angeles, America. Let's see how the website's speed measurement effect is after using Mormon Cloud. You can see that the Hong Kong IP has been resolved, and the resolution time is quite good.

To sum up, Mormon Cloud can accelerate the use of unregistered domain names in Hong Kong nodes to a certain extent. The ping speed and experience opening speed are much faster than the direct connection to the US host. The background of Mormon Cloud can add HTTPS settings, and free accounts can also deploy SSL. Mormon Cloud adopts the original PageRunner page performance optimization technology. When PageRunner is enabled, the system will automatically cache dynamic objects and identify static resources, and intelligently optimize and accelerate pages. In addition, you can also set cache time, embossing compression, image intelligent compression, offline protection, security protection, etc., if necessary Click me to try Mormon Cloud CDN acceleration Function.

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Article name: Devil's Gate Cloud - Free CDN Acceleration Free Hong Kong Node Acceleration
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/2285.html
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