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Pagoda Panel 301 Redirect Domain Name Jump Detailed Graphic and Text Tutorial

Pagoda panel 301 redirection It's very convenient. In order to centralize the seo weight of domain names, after the establishment of the website, we will redirect the www domain name to the main domain name without www, or some people are used to redirect the main domain name without www to the main domain name with www, and sometimes we need to redirect different domains to the new domain name, or the url to the directory. These 301 redirect jumps can be quickly realized in the pagoda panel.

Introduction to pagoda panel

Building a website requires environmental services. It is easy to deploy pagoda panels, and novices can quickly get started. Tencent ECS( Click me directly )And AliCloud servers( Click me directly )All can be deployed successfully with one click.

For more information, please see the official website of the pagoda panel: Click me directly The pagoda official will present a coupon package of 3188 yuan. New users can enjoy a professional version of 0.99 yuan experience for one month.

Lao Wei suggested that the pagoda panel is suitable for novices and Xiaobai to build a website, and supports Linux and Windows systems, Click to go directly to the pagoda website Register an account and get a free professional edition gift package of ¥ 3188 (only 1188 yuan for permanent authorization of the professional edition). New users can enjoy a professional edition experience of 0.99 yuan for 7 days.
Recommended selection of pagoda panel Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud The server
For more information, see Special topic of pagoda panel
Click to view NetEase Cloud Classroom "Introduction to Pagoda Linux Panel for Novice"

Where is the 301 redirection of the pagoda panel

Enter the background of the pagoda panel and click "Settings" on the right side of the website list to find the [Redirect] setting option.

 Pagoda panel 301 redirect domain name jump
Pagoda panel 301 redirect domain name jump

There are many codes for redirection. This article only talks about 301 redirection. According to different needs, 301 redirects are divided into the following categories:

301 redirection under the same domain name

Redirect the www domain name to the primary domain name without www, or redirect the primary domain name without www to the primary domain name with www by 301

For example, you can jump from www.vpsss.net to vpsss.net, from vpsss.net to www.vpsss.net, or from 1.vpsss.net to 2.vpsss.net.

The domain name to visit is the domain name of the current website. Enter the domain name of the target URL after the jump, such as www.vpss.net (https is required for the target URL with SSL certificate).

Check "Enable 301" to successfully realize 301 redirect jump.

 Pagoda panel 301 redirect under the same domain name
Pagoda panel 301 redirect under the same domain name

The specific implementation code can be seen in the configuration file of the pagoda panel. Find the line between # 301 start and # 301 end in the "configuration file" above. If you don't understand the code, you can read it, but don't change it

Before the visualization panel, everyone added code directly, but the code was easy to make mistakes, and one more punctuation mark or one less punctuation mark would make mistakes and fail to take effect. So you can understand how happy it is to use the pagoda panel as a visualization panel.

301 redirect jump for different domain names

After the website is replaced with a new domain name, visit the domain name and select "Whole Site", add a new domain name address to the target URL, and check "Enable 301" to take effect. For example, I want to change the old domain name to www.vpss.net, as shown in the following figure:

 Pagoda panel redirects old domain name to new domain name
Pagoda panel redirects old domain name to new domain name

in addition Pagoda panel redirection (beta) This function can also be realized. Go to [Add Redirect], select the redirect type and method (domain name or path), and fill in the redirect domain name and target URL.

As shown in the figure below, there is a prompt. If you do not understand the prompt, read it first and then operate.

 Pagoda Panel Redirect Beta Domain Name Path
Pagoda Panel Redirect Beta Domain Name Path

Redirection (beta version) is more suitable for 301 redirection operation of adding multiple URL addresses and directories. For example, multiple website directories have been deleted. In order to maintain the consistency of website seo, it is necessary to add the URL before and after the change to these directories to realize 301 redirect jump.

Lao Wei's summary

Pagoda panel 301 redirection The function has two directions of use.

  • The website domain name is changed to another domain name, including domain name redirection with and without www, new and old domain name redirection, and 301 jump using the redirection function of the pagoda panel;
  • Some directory URL changes caused by website revision require 301 redirection to jump to another URL address Pagoda panel redirection (beta) Function.
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Article name: "Pagoda Panel 301 Redirect Domain Name Jump Detailed Graphic and Text Tutorial"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/22703.html
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