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How to select the version of the pagoda panel environment software linux/nginx/php/mysql/phpmyadmin

When logging on the pagoda panel for the first time, we will be prompted to install the environment software and version, How to select the software version of pagoda panel environment For example, Linux/nginx/php/mysql/phpmyadmin are based on the choice of software. If the selection is incorrect, either the web program cannot run, or compatibility problems or problems may easily occur. So today, Lao Wei tells you how to choose in the face of this situation. Not only should the appropriate version be selected when logging in for the first time, but also different environment software versions should be added when using because of different web program requirements.

Lao Wei suggested that the pagoda panel is suitable for novices and Xiaobai to build a website, and supports Linux and Windows systems, Click to go directly to the pagoda website Register an account and get a free professional edition gift package of ¥ 3188 (only 1188 yuan for permanent authorization of the professional edition). New users can enjoy a professional edition experience of 0.99 yuan for 7 days.
Recommended selection of pagoda panel Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud The server
For more information, see Special topic of pagoda panel
Click to view NetEase Cloud Classroom "Introduction to Pagoda Linux Panel for Novice"

Friends who have not installed the pagoda panel, Click me directly On the pagoda panel official website, after registering the pagoda official account, it should be bound to the pagoda panel of your server. New users can enjoy a professional version of 0.99 yuan experience for one month to guard the server security.

 How to select the software version of pagoda panel environment
How to select the software version of pagoda panel environment

Selection of pagoda panel environment software

As shown in the figure above, LNMP (recommended) and LAMP are the first to be seen. The so-called lnmp refers to linux+nginx+mysql+php, and the lamp refers to linux+apache+mysql+php. Practical experience tells us that the comprehensive performance of lnmp is stronger, the number of users is more, and it is easier to find solutions when problems occur.

Unless otherwise required by the program, Lao Wei recommends that you choose the lnmp one click package deployment environment as your first choice.

Linux system version selection

If the operating system is used to build a php site, Lao Wei strongly recommends that the Linux system be preferred, and the newer the version, the better. For example, for the CentOS system, Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud can use the highest version and the next highest version instead of the old version. Including the Linux official, the operating system version is also constantly updated, and the old version is no longer provided with patch services.

Pagoda panel environment version selection

After selecting lnmp, we also look at the picture above.

  • Nginx: select the latest version. The higher the version, the stronger the performance;
  • MySQL: 5.5 is suitable for small memory servers (less than 2G). 5.6 It is suitable for servers with 2G and larger memory. If it is installed on servers with less than 2G memory, it will get stuck. 5.7 requires that the memory should not be less than 6G~8G. Don't worry about servers with small memory. Most common ECS memory is 2G, 4G, and 8G. If there are no special requirements for the program, 5.5 or 5.6 can be used. If there are special requirements, select the version according to the requirements;
  • Pure FTpd: the current version is sufficient;
  • PHP: The default 5.6 is only suitable for the needs of some old programs. Wordpress generally supports the latest version of php. The higher the performance, the better, and the stronger the php parsing ability, the faster the speed. Lao Wei suggested to choose the highest version or the next higher version;
  • PhpMyAdmin: the highest version or the next highest version.

Pagoda panel environment version installation method

  • Fast installation: also known as rpm/dbd, with extremely fast installation time (5~10 minutes), slightly lower version and stability, suitable for use in the test environment;
  • Compilation and installation: long installation time (30 minutes to 2 hours depending on the server configuration), maximum performance, suitable for production environment;
  • In general, quick installation is selected for short-term test, and compilation and installation is selected for long-term operation.

Example of Pagoda Panel Environment Version Installation

  • The 1-core 2G server needs to install the latest version of WordPress. It is better to select the lnmp environment package, nginx 1.18, mysql5.5, and php7.4;
  • The 2-core 4G server can choose mysql5.6, while others remain unchanged;
  • Old Wei also encountered that some small programs have higher requirements for MySQL version, requiring 5.6/5.7 version. Web applications such as WordPress can run stably with 5.5.

Servers suitable for deploying pagoda panels

The following servers are used by Mr. Wei himself and are also shared references after a long time of use.

Domestic servers: Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud (All have vouchers, which can be used to save money when paying)

Foreign servers: Click me to log in Vultr host

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Lao Wei's comments

on the whole, Pagoda panel environment software Linux/nginx/php/mysql/phpmyadmin version Choose the new instead of the old. If you want stability, choose the next higher version. For quite a few webmasters who have operated web applications for a long time, the Linux system can be used for several years after installation until the server is replaced. Therefore, the latest version must be selected, and its performance, security, stability, etc. are more reliable than the old version.

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Article name: How to Select the Version of Pagoda Panel Environment Software Linux/nginx/php/mysql/phpmyadmin
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/22579.html
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