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Tencent Cloud Double 11 Discount Activity 2 cores 4G 225 yuan/year 582 yuan/3 years 4 cores 8G5M 1501 yuan/year 3962 yuan/3 years enjoy 10% full return

The warm-up of the 2020 Tencent Cloud Double 11 promotional activities has begun. The highlights of this year's activities are that new users enjoy good gifts and 10% full return. Now, Lao Wei will introduce the details of the warm-up activities in detail.

Selected explosives area
618 Zhongshenghui Click to view the purchase
Selected preferential activities Click to view the purchase
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New users enjoy good gifts

New users can choose from 1 core 2G, 2 core 4G, cloud database, domestic SMS, CDN domestic traffic and live broadcast traffic package.

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  • ECS 1 core 2G1M 88 yuan/12 months;
  • ECS 2-core 4G3M 698 yuan purchase for 36 months;
  • Model: standard S4, region: Shanghai/Beijing.
  • MySQL: 89 yuan for 12 months;
  • Domestic SMS: 340 yuan/10000 pieces;
  • CDN domestic traffic: 120 yuan/2TB;
  • Live broadcast traffic package: 146 yuan/1TB;

10% return when the order is full

Click me directly RMB 100 threshold free vouchers will be returned for every 1000 yuan of accumulated orders on Double 11, and the maximum amount will be RMB 5000.

Explosives · Seckill

Select basic cloud products with medium and high configurations, and make a discount every day to help the rapid growth of cloud business

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  • Standard S4 ECS 4-core 8G, Shanghai/Beijing/Guangzhou, 100% CPU performance 1501 yuan/year 3962 yuan/year;
  • Standard S4 ECS 8-core 16G, Shanghai/Beijing/Guangzhou, 100% CPU performance 2813 yuan/year;

Enterprise user zone

Exclusive to enterprise users, high configuration and high cost performance, helping enterprises to easily go to the cloud

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ECS standard S4, Shanghai/Beijing/Guangzhou, 100% CPU performance, configuration includes 2-core 4G, 2-core 8G, 4-core 8G, 8-core 16G, etc.
Bandwidth: 1M, 3M, 5M, 10M. The duration is 1 year, 2 years, 0.8% off, 3 years, 0.7% off.

Exclusive renewal discount for old users

Click me directly ECS 2.5, MySQL database 2.5, domain name 25 yuan.

Gift Bag of Voucher

Click me directly Get a large amount of vouchers with one click, with a total value of 11000 yuan. You can buy, renew and upgrade them without worry.

Individual coupons of 100 yuan, 150 yuan, 250 yuan, 500 yuan, 1000 yuan, 1500 yuan and so on totaled 3500 yuan 6 vouchers;
Corporate bonds worth 200 yuan, 300 yuan, 550 yuan, 1100 yuan, 2250 yuan, 3100 yuan and so on, totaling 7500 yuan and 6 vouchers.

Appointment activity reminder

Click me directly Subscribe to activity reminders in advance, and you can't miss many product promotions

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Article name: "Tencent Cloud Double 11 Preferential Activity: 2-core 4G 225 yuan/year 582 yuan/3 years 4-core 8G5M 1501 yuan/year 3962 yuan/3 years enjoy 10% full return"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/22553.html
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