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Benefits and advantages of AliCloud Cloud DNS resolution

Alibaba Cloud Cloud DNS uses the free version by default, and you can purchase personal and enterprise versions (see Where does AliCloud Cloud DNS access from )。 For most small and medium-sized websites, Lao Wei suggests that you choose the personal version with tens of yuan each year. The benefits of the personal version and the enterprise version are much better than the free version.

Advantages of Cloud DNS Personal Edition and Enterprise Edition

When we use the AliCloud Cloud DNS resolution function, the default free version is not as easy to use as the personal and enterprise versions.

 Exclusive offer for new users of AliCloud DNS resolution
Exclusive offer for new users of AliCloud DNS resolution

Alibaba Cloud new users purchase cloud resolution DNS

Click me to log in Exclusive offer for new users of cloud resolution DNS Page, select personal version or enterprise standard version as required. Old Wei suggested that the personal version for ordinary business would be enough.

The price of cloud resolution DNS personal version for new users is 36 yuan/year. If you are an old user, it will display 40.8 yuan. In fact, no one is short of this amount of money. The main reason is that after purchasing the personal version, the speed of domain name resolution has been greatly improved, and the success rate of domain name resolution has also been improved.

What are the advantages of cloud DNS

The following advantages can be obtained by selecting Personal Edition or Enterprise Edition:

  • Stable: 100% SLA service guarantee is provided to ensure that the website, applications and business are not down;
  • Security: It supports DNS queries over one hundred million times per second, and provides users with comprehensive operation guarantee while dealing with super large DDOS attacks;
  • Fast: 20 DNS clusters around the world backup each other to provide visitors with low latency high-speed access services;

Functions supported by AliCloud DNS resolution

Record type: A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, TXT, SRV, CAA and other types are supported;

Intelligent resolution: support China Unicom, China Telecom, China Mobile, Education Network, Dr. Peng, Radio and Television Network, overseas regions, and can be divided into provinces, countries and regions;

IPv6: The cloud resolution DNS system supports DNS resolution in both IPv6 and IPv4 environments;

Statistics of request volume: Cloud resolution DNS provides customers with the function of summarizing the resolution request volume data of domain names or sub domain names and downloading reports;

DNS security: provide DNS attack defense capability, and can withstand more than 100 million DNS attacks and super large DDOS attacks;

DNS monitoring: provide users with domain name hijacking monitoring, operator DNS availability, resolution delay and other monitoring services;

Resolution nodes: cloud resolution DNS nodes all over the world provide users with low latency and high-speed access services;
For more functions, please move to Overview of cloud resolution DNS function

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Article name: Alibaba Cloud · Benefits and Advantages of Cloud DNS Resolution
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/22468.html
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