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Alibaba Cloud · Cloud DNS Free Edition Personal Edition Enterprise Edition Differences and Choices

AliCloud Cloud DNS personal and enterprise versions have many advantages over the free version. Lao Wei suggested that all users who use cloud DNS should at least choose the personal version because it can greatly improve the performance of cloud resolution at a low cost. Please see the relevant entrance Where does AliCloud Cloud DNS access from In this article, Lao Wei will share the difference and selection basis of cloud resolution DNS free version, personal version and enterprise version.

 Exclusive offer for new users of AliCloud DNS resolution
Exclusive offer for new users of AliCloud DNS resolution

Alibaba Cloud new users purchase cloud resolution DNS

Click me to log in Exclusive offer for new users of cloud resolution DNS Page, select personal version or enterprise standard version as required. Old Wei suggested that the personal version for ordinary business would be enough.

The price of cloud resolution DNS personal version for new users is 36 yuan/year. If you are an old user, 40.8 yuan will be displayed when you pay.

Different versions of cloud resolution DNS

Availability SLA: The free version has no availability level, while the personal version, enterprise standard version and enterprise flagship version all have 100% monthly availability guarantee;

DNS nodes: 4 free version in China, 9 personal version in China, 11 overseas, 9 enterprise version in China, 11 overseas;

Sub domain level: level 5 for free version, level 20 for personal version and enterprise version;

Intelligent resolution: free version of Unicom/Telecom/Mobile/Education Network/overseas, personal version added Dr. Peng, enterprise standard version includes AliCloud lines, provinces, overseas/continents/countries (regions), enterprise flagship version includes all fixed intelligent resolution lines, and supports custom IP range resolution;

URL forwarding: 2 for free version, 5 for personal version and 10 for enterprise version;

Load balancing domain name capacity: 10 for free version, 100 for personal version and enterprise version;

Statistics of requests: the free version is not supported, but the personal version and enterprise version are supported;

Secondary DNS: only the enterprise flagship version supports it;

DNS data backup: the free version and personal version are not supported. The enterprise standard version supports daily backup, and the enterprise flagship version supports hourly backup;

DNSSEC: The free version is not supported, but both the personal version and the enterprise version are supported;

For more information on the differences between Alibaba Cloud Cloud DNS free version, personal version, enterprise standard version and enterprise flagship version, see Cloud resolution DNS version comparison

Generally speaking, the personal version of cloud resolution DNS for ordinary businesses is not expensive, with an average of 36 yuan a year and 10 cents a day. Second, compared with the free version, it can greatly improve the success rate and overall performance of our domain name resolution. You can get good domain name resolution performance at a small cost. Why not.

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Article name: Alibaba Cloud Cloud DNS Free Edition Personal Edition Enterprise Edition Difference and Selection
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/22463.html
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