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Avada Theme Creation Header/Header Detailed Process

Avada topic header How to make the content? Avada is currently the top selling wordpress theme on themeforest, so many people will learn from the avada theme when learning wordpress website building. In this article, Lao Wei shares the detailed process of creating the header of the web page with the avada theme, which is also applicable to other topics Wordpress theme making header header

Avada Theme It is the first selling wordpress theme in themeforest. If you are interested, you can Click me to have a look There are tens of thousands of foreign theme sales. At present, the theme on themeforest is paid once for life, which is quite cost-effective compared with other themes' annual payment.
For more information on the Avada theme, see Avada Topic

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Before starting, let's first understand the basic structure of the website page. The page header is also called header, header and header, which refers to the content of the website including logo and navigation bar. As shown in the figure below, from the logo image and navigation bar of avada up, they belong to the header area, which is also the content of this article.

 Avada topic header
Avada topic header

Select header type

Avada provides multiple header types for selection.

Select a header layout on the right side of wordpress background avada>options>header>header content.

 Avada topic selection header type
Avada topic selection header type

Lao Wei chose the default 3, and the common ones include 1, 2, 3, and 5.

 Multiple header types are available for avada topics
Multiple header types are available for avada topics

Add page

The specific columns of the menu are composed of page pages. Create home, about us, products, and contact pages. These names are the page title. The content is left blank. Click Publish to publish successfully.

 Wordpress Add Page
Wordpress Add Page

These pages are created as shown below.

 Wordpress added multiple pages
Wordpress added multiple pages

At the initial stage of building the website, we first considered building the prototype of the website framework, and the content of the page will be added after it is empty.

Create menu menu

  • Click Appearance>menu in the column on the left of Wordpress background, and name the new menu in menu name;
  • On the pages page most recent/view all, check all pages to be added, and click Add to menu to add them to the navigation menu bar on the right;
  • Drag the mouse up and down to sort the menus. Drag left and right to distinguish the main menu from the submenu;
  • The main navigation is selected as the main navigation menu by default in the menu settings, and the sticky header navigation below is set as the follow menu (also called sticky menu, fixed menu);
  • On the right, click the save menu to save.
 Avada theme creation menu
Avada theme creation menu

Refresh the homepage of the website and see that the navigation menu is displayed according to our meaning, as shown in the first picture of this article.

Avada theme production header page header This is the end of the content. Website design is often a complex process. When designing the header, it will also be mixed with the operation of making the home page. But in order to make it faster and easier for novices to understand, Old Wei explains it in separate articles. Lao Wei also found the blog in the navigation menu, which is called the page title bar. The home page shows that it is obviously unreasonable. How to deal with it? We will share it in the next article.

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Article name: Detailed Process of Avada Theme Making Header/Header
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/22147.html
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