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WordPress article post/page page/portfolio product page/list page/category page categories/tab page/blog blog and other meanings and differences

WordPress article posts, page pages, portfolio product pages, list pages, category pages, tag tag pages, blog blogs, etc. are various for novices and are often confused. Today, Lao Wei explained the detailed meaning and difference of these contents in detail.

These pages mentioned above are all used to display website content in WordPress programs. The important ones are post, page, and portfolio. Understanding the meaning of these three pages is of great benefit to in-depth learning and understanding of WordPress website building.

 Wordpress article post/page page/portfolio product page meaning and difference

WordPress article post/page page/portfolio product page meaning and difference

Post Article

The default form of wordpress content publishing is mainly in the form of dynamic pages. The publishing time is uncertain, and it can be published at any time or regularly. You can publish multiple posts. If a post is too long, you can page it.

Click Wordpress background>Article>Write an article to start publishing post content. Use the toolbar provided by wordpress to arrange the layout and then publish it. The published post article page is similar to https://www.vpsss.net/22128.html In this form.

Of course, you can also write content and edit pictures on your local computer before copying them to WordPress for publishing.

The article list page is https://www.vpsss.net/page/2 This multi article arrangement page. The presentation forms of different themes are endless. The specific expression can be in the form of title, title+summary, picture+title, etc.


It is both static content and the default content publishing form of WordPress. Different from post, the page has no specific publishing time. Static content here refers to single page content that rarely changes after publishing. There are no pages on the page, such as personal blog about blogger, work experience, personal profile, corporate website home page, about us, contact us, corporate culture, corporate certificate, etc;

Click Wordpress Background>Page>New Page to start publishing the page. Because it is a single page, ordinary topics publish articles and pictures, such as Weiss's notes AliCloud server Tencent ECS Tiler vps Windows Tutorial linux textbook Etc.

Themes with visual editor, such as avada theme, can be customized and add many richer content effects. For cases, you can check the home about us、contact us, They are very exquisite and practical.

Portfolio work cases

It is also called a collection of works and pictures. It displays content on the website in a variety of graphic ways. It is more complex than post. It is a custom type post.

Lao Wei summarized the characteristics of portfolio as follows:

Portfolio can present web content in a more diversified and diversified way. In foreign trade websites, more specifically, it is to show the details of products to visitors in a more diversified form of expression, which is also a feature of display websites. This is also a feature that the post type does not have.

Taking the avada theme as an example, many foreign trade websites are built with the avada theme, and generally publish products with portfolio. As shown in the figure below, the product features are more intuitively displayed by combining the variety of forms and layouts built into the avada theme according to the product features.

 Avada theme portfolio page

Avada theme portfolio page


In wordpress, it is expressed as a blog page (showing blog content), and generally uses post articles to publish content (specific publishing methods).

Personal blog content such as Weiss Notes The content of the article belongs to this type;

The enterprise website can display blog content or news content (blog or news) to attract more traffic. Lao Wei wrote about this knowledge The necessity of adding blogs to foreign trade websites


Tabs are mostly used for personal blogs, not for corporate websites. The keywords in the post content are extracted and aggregated into tag pages to attract traffic access.

Post/page/portfolio differences and links

In personal blogs and personal websites, post articles publish website content pages, and page pages publish single page content;

In enterprise websites, company websites and foreign trade websites, post publishes blog blogs and news, page publishes single page content, and portfolio publishes products. For example, the product categories of product, product-1, and product-2 in the above figure are all created using the page page, while product1 details, product2 details, product3 details, and product4 details are created using the portfolio.

Why not use categories to classify products

In Wordpress, the category categories and portfolio categories have no specific content, but only add a directory name, name, and slug alias, which cannot display the content. Especially for pages with rich content such as avada theme, foreign trade websites will have better results in the form of page pages.

Personal blogs are more casual, such as those written by Weiss VPS discount VPS Tutorial VPS evaluation Domain name preference code They are made with categories.

That is to say, the pages that can be done by categories can be done, and the pages that cannot be done by categories can also be done.

To sum up The categories category itself has no display page, and can only display articles in the form of a list; The page itself has a display page, which can be more rich, vivid and eye-catching You don't have to stick to any form when using it. You can choose it according to actual needs.

Example of building a website with avada theme

For example, set up enterprise websites and foreign trade websites in the avada theme, and distribute them as follows:

  • Post publishes news, blog enterprise news and enterprise blog content;
  • Portfolio release product details page;
  • The page publishes about us, contact us contact us, our company profile, document download, production environment/workshop, international certification and other single page contents.

Reference for building website server

1. If you are learning, choose a server with 1 core and 2g configuration to start. If you use avada theme to build a website, you need to use a 2 core and 4g configuration to run smoothly.

Domestic servers: Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud (All have vouchers, which can be used to save money when paying)

Foreign servers: Click me to log in Vultr host

I don't know how to select regions and configurations. Please add Lao Wei's contact information on the right side of the page. Let's study it together.

2. If you want to learn the Avada theme, you can also use the server IP as the website domain name instead of the domain name.

If it is used to build a website, it is necessary to register a domain name. If the main users are foreigners (foreign trade websites, B2C/C2C, etc.), it is recommended to register abroad rather than at home. open Namesilo official website , enter the domain name to be registered in the search box, select it and then register. Remember to use the discount code to save money before paying. Discount code click Course of domain name registration of foreign domain name provider Namesilo obtain.

3. Avada Theme. At present, the theme on themeforest is paid once for life, which is quite cost-effective compared with other themes that pay once a year. Get the registration key after paying.

4. Station building panel. Lao Wei uses the pagoda panel in this article. Thanks to the pagoda's visual operation interface, the deployment of avada theme is so fast. Click me to get it The pagoda official will present a coupon gift package of 3188 yuan. New users can enjoy a professional version of 0.99 yuan experience for one month.

5. The siteground virtual host is officially recommended by wordpress, and is a perfect match for wordpress. In actual use, Lao Wei found that the wordpress website on the siteground virtual host had excellent speed and stability, and the score of the scoring website in foreign tests was also very high. If you want to be a foreign trade website, Click me to open Go to siteground to register a new account and start your journey of building a foreign trade website..

If you want to be a foreign trade website, Click me to open Go to siteground to register a new account and start your journey of building a foreign trade website.

About site ground construction: Siteground topic

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Article name: WordPress article post/page/portfolio product page/list page/category page categories/tab/blog blog and other meanings and differences
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/22128.html
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