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Avada Theme Creation Settings menu Navigation Menu

Avada theme menu navigation menu How to create and set? This navigation menu is in the Wordpress menu Set based on the creation. Before creating a menu, we need to manually add a page page. These pages will appear as part of the menu in this article.

Avada Theme It is the first selling wordpress theme in themeforest. If you are interested, you can Click me to have a look There are tens of thousands of foreign theme sales. At present, the theme on themeforest is paid once for life, which is quite cost-effective compared with other themes' annual payment.
For more information on the Avada theme, see Avada Topic

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At the same time, here we will mention the content of a website framework for preliminary planning. Before actually building a website, we'd better plan what the website should do first. For example, the navigation menu usually has necessary pages such as Home, About us, Products, news/blog, and contact. Many foreign trade websites and enterprise websites may have more pages.

WordPress Create Menu

This belongs to the basic knowledge of wordpress.

1. Create many common menus in the page, just like those mentioned at the beginning of this article.

2. Log in to Wordpress background>Dashboard>Appearance>Menu, click create a new menu, enter the menu name, and then create a Menu.

3. As shown in the figure below, select most recent or view all from the pages on the left and check the pages to be added to the menu. If most recent cannot be found, all pages can be found in view all. Click Add to menu to add it to the menu structure on the right.

 Wordpress create menu
Wordpress create menu

Menu sorting and submenu setting

As shown in the figure above, you can sort the menus by dragging several menus such as home, about us, news, and products up and down with the mouse;

When located below the product menu, the product1 menu is dragged to the right to become the sub item submenu of the products menu.

It's easy to operate.

Menu position

The Avada theme provides five types of settings for the location of the menu, namely:

  • Main Navigation, Main navigation
  • Top Navigation, header
  • Mobile Navigation, Mobile terminal main navigation
  • 404 Useful Pages
  • Sticky Header Navigation follows the header navigation. When the page is long and pulled down, the header always follows the top effect

When you create and edit a Menu, as shown in the figure above, there is a Menu Settings>Display Location where you can choose to put the menu. Do not check Auto add pages. Not every page needs to be added to the navigation bar. Think about it first and then add it manually.

If you have created multiple menus, you can also set them in Manage Locations on the right side of the page.

 Avada topic Manage Locations settings
Avada topic Manage Locations settings

Select an existing menu

After you have created two or more menu menus, select a specific menu in the select menu, and then click select on the right to jump to it.

 Avada theme selects an existing menu
Avada theme selects an existing menu

Screen Options

Set the link in the menu to open from a new window, add a portfolio category link to the Menu, and customize the link. There are Screen Options in the upper right corner of the page. Click Meeting to see these options.

You can try to check and uncheck these options, and check the changes in the Menus below.

 Avada Theme Screen Options
Avada Theme Screen Options

actually Avada theme menu navigation menu Creation settings of and WordPress menu There is almost no difference in creation, but there are menu items and avada menu options of avada theme. This article can be learned as a WordPress menu creation and setting tutorial.

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Article name: Avada Theme Creation Settings Menu Navigation Menu
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/22082.html
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