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Baota Linux Panel 7.4.2 and Windows Panel 6.8 Vulnerability Questions and Answers

The pagoda panel versions affected by this vulnerability include Pagoda linux panel 7.4.2 and test version 7.5.14, Windows version 6.8. After this incident, Lao Wei received many students' help and asked many related questions: how to view the version of the pagoda panel, how to upgrade the pagoda panel, and so on. He couldn't answer them one by one, so he simply summarized them into an article for unified answers. Students who have similar questions in the future, please see the content of this article.

Lao Wei suggested that the pagoda panel is suitable for novices and Xiaobai to build a website, and supports Linux and Windows systems, Click to go directly to the pagoda website
Pagoda Linux Enterprise Edition Click Direct
Pagoda Linux Professional Click Direct
Pagoda Nginx firewall Click Direct
Pagoda Windows Enterprise Edition Click Direct
Rui Anxin DV SSL Certificate Click Direct
Recommended selection of pagoda panel Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud The server
For more information, see Special topic of pagoda panel
Click to view NetEase Cloud Classroom "Introduction to Pagoda Linux Panel for Novice"

Official reply of pagoda panel

Click me directly On the official website of the pagoda panel, click the red banner at the top of the home page (or search in the forum top post) to see the official reply. The official has quickly upgraded and fixed this vulnerability. All panels upgraded to the latest version are safe. Please upgrade as soon as you see the panels that have not been upgraded.

You can also view what Lao Wei wrote before: Pagoda Linux panel version 7.4.2/Windows panel version 6.8 Please upgrade to the latest version as soon as possible

How to view the pagoda version

After logging into the pagoda panel, you can see the current version of the pagoda panel in the upper right corner. For details, see How to update the latest version of pagoda panel

How to upgrade/update the pagoda panel

Next, we can see that the update button at the current version has a "small red dot" meaning that it needs to be updated. Click it to see that it is the "official version" before updating.
Tip: It is recommended to use the official version for the long-term running business environment. It is not recommended to upgrade the beta version.

 Pagoda panel upgrade/update
Pagoda panel upgrade/update

Do Pagoda versions 5.9 and 6. X need to be upgraded to the latest version?

Pagoda panel smooth upgrade version command:

curl http://download.bt.cn/install/update_to_6.sh |bash

be careful:

  • The upgrade process takes a long time and may fail due to network factors;
  • If the panel cannot be started normally after the upgrade, please re execute the upgrade command;
  • There are certain risks in upgrading. Please upgrade the production environment carefully;
  • If the server has the snapshot function, you must take a snapshot before upgrading;
  • It is recommended to use CentOS7 or 8. Centos6 can no longer run Pagoda Panel 6. X. This is not recommended. It is recommended to back up the data first, then install a new version of Pagoda 7. X, and then restore the website.

What if the pagoda panel 7.4.2 cannot be updated to 7.4.3?

It may be that there are too many centralized update visitors and too many requests to update the version. The official update server of the pagoda panel has a high load and cannot respond. Please try again when the official server of the pagoda is not crowded.
There may also be a problem with your pagoda panel. Please click "Repair" on the top right corner of the pagoda panel home page to try to update the version.

7.4.2 Solution to inability to access phpmyadmin after updating or other versions

Press ctrl+F5 on the panel to try to access
Uninstall and reinstall phpmyadmin to try to access
Some computer rooms have shielded port 888. If the panel is not the affected version of 7.4.2, you can set other ports in phpmyadmin for access

Can buying a pagoda firewall solve this vulnerability?

No, so manually update to the latest 7.4.3 version.

How to fundamentally prevent this vulnerability from happening again

1. The official has patched the vulnerability. You only need to update to the latest version to be safe.
2. The server security group replaces port 888 with another port.
3. Pagoda panel>Security, replace 888 port with another port

Don't do evil

Lao Wei has found that many people use this vulnerability to scan and attack everywhere these days, and some "important" websites have been hit. What he admires is that some people know that there are tigers in the mountain who prefer to go to the tiger mountain, and they have to touch the "minefield" to touch anyone who is not good.

This vulnerability is easy to be exploited and has spread in the circle. This security risk has been reported by the official company of Baota Panel in the local public security bureau. You think it's just for fun, but in fact, the sentence for breaking the computer is extremely strict. Don't teach others how to use the Internet and use these tools to break other people's servers. The teaching and operation have violated the criminal law, so please don't try the law by yourself.

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Article name: Baota Linux Panel 7.4.2 and Windows Panel 6.8 Vulnerability Questions and Answers
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/21951.html
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