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Understand the basic structure and layout of web pages through Avada themes

Avada Theme It is currently a popular theme for foreign website building. It is necessary for us to understand the avada theme at the initial stage of website building Basic structure of webpage And page layout, so that you can learn more about building websites with avada theme Avada Theme Options The settings are very helpful. Theme Options is also called theme options. The avada theme page layout includes many setting items. It can be said that many structure forms you see in the page are set in theme options.

Avada Theme It is the first selling wordpress theme in themeforest. If you are interested, you can Click me to have a look There are tens of thousands of foreign theme sales. At present, the theme on themeforest is paid once for life, which is quite cost-effective compared with other themes' annual payment.
For more information on the Avada theme, see Avada Topic

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Introduction to main pages of foreign trade products

The website of foreign trade products includes several pages with different meanings, such as the homepage of the website, company introduction page, product classification page, product details page, international certificate page, contact us and a series of pages around enterprises and products. Although the content of each page is different, you will find that each page is similar in the layout of "heaven", "earth", "left" and "right" after careful observation. For example, Weieis Notes, a blog type, can easily distinguish the header, footer, content area and sidebar.

As shown in the figure below, it is a product detail page of the classic avada theme DEMO. According to different functions, we are divided into six areas, each with its own functions.

 Avada Theme Classic DEMO Page Layout Structure
Avada Theme Classic DEMO Page Layout Structure
  • Block 1: Header is also called page header, page header and website header. This part includes logo, navigation bar, top contact information, SNS icon, etc. In Avada theme Theme Options ->Header. Logo and Menu in Header are set in Theme Options>Logo and Theme Options>Menu respectively;
  • Block 2: Page Title Bar is also called page title, and the relevant settings of bread crumbs can be found in Theme Options>Page Title Bar.
  • Block 3: Content is the body content of the web page. When editing each page (Page, Portfolio, Post), set the layout, add and modify content in Fusion Builder. Here is the dynamic part of the webpage (each product page and each news page have different content).
  • Block 4: Sidebar is a sidebar, which is usually found on the right side of the website. Store product categories, news titles, contact forms, etc. There are two kinds of sidebars: left and right. You can set both to show, both to hide, or only to show one. For example, the right sidebar in the above figure can be set in different styles for each page. Add sidebar content in Appearance>Widgets; The sidebar style is set in Theme Options>Sidebars.
  • Block 5: Footer is also called footer/website tail. One to six columns can be set as required, and three or four columns are common. For example, Footer in this figure is divided into four columns, including about us, you may interested, contact info, search。 Content is added and modified in Appearance>Widgets just like Sidebar.
  • Zone 6 is also called Copyright Bar, which is part of Footer. The style is set in Theme Options>Footer.
 "Avada Theme

When specific pages are involved in the above blocks, some parameters can be found in the fusion page options below the page after the fusion builder is started.

This article is not only suitable for beginners to understand the avada theme, All website theme content is also composed of these areas As long as you want to build a website, it is necessary to first understand the basic knowledge of the basic composition and layout of the page. At the beginning of learning the avada theme, you can figure out what parts the page consists of, and then know where to set when you want to adjust the content and style of a certain area. Even if you don't need avada theme to build a website in the future, knowing the basic knowledge of these pages can also be used in other website building themes.

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Article name: Understanding the Basic Structure and Layout of Web Pages through Avada Themes
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/21892.html
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