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WordPress Card Secret Automatic Delivery Plugin_WordPress Card Secret Delivery Plugin Installation and Use Tutorial

WordPress card secret automatic delivery plug-in It is suitable for Chinese people WordPress card secret automatic sales plug-in Support scope: game point card, card secret, invitation code, activation code, registration code, discount code, etc. You can import txt/CSV files in batches, set prices, and insert short codes into articles to realize card secret sales. Alipay and WeChat payment are supported. This article explains the installation and use of this plug-in in detail.

A friend who is an online card secret store asked Mr. Wei whether he could realize automatic card secret delivery on the WordPress website. After some searching and research, he also realized a new channel for selling card secret on the website. The competition on a certain treasure is fierce. The traffic ranking is not good and the price is expensive. Selling cards through the website is a new sales channel for individuals. Only by slowly developing our own channels and characteristics can we achieve long-term sustainability.

Get WordPress card secret card sending plug-in

Click me directly Plug in page

After purchase, you will get the plug-in download address and authorization code, download the plug-in locally, and install and enable it in the WordPress background.

Fill in the Wordpress card password plug-in authorization code

After the installation is enabled, click "Install" in the list of installed plug-ins to open the installation interface, where you can fill in the authorization code.

During installation, the plug-in will check whether the system environment meets the requirements. If red appears, it will be changed to green according to the prompt.

WordPress Card Secret Card Issuing Plug in Enable Extension

On the left side of the Wordpress background, find Wechat shop>extension. On the right side, enable three extensions, namely, Kami, Alipay and WeChat, for basic settings. The three extensions can take effect only when the corresponding payment function is enabled.

The first one is to enable card secret expansion and set it.

 WordPress Card Secret Card Issuing Plug in Enable Extension
WordPress Card Secret Card Issuing Plug in Enable Extension

For card secret extension application settings, most of the options are OK by default, and the product name should be changed to that of your own product/business.

 WordPress Card Secret Issuing Plug in Card Secret Extension Settings
WordPress Card Secret Issuing Plug in Card Secret Extension Settings
  • General: currency, exchange rate. For example, if RMB is selected as the currency, the exchange rate is 1. If you use cache plug-ins, such as the wp super cache plug-in and the wp bucket plug-in, you should also enable asynchronous loading. The default image of the product is only for button payment. Paid download and paid view are effective, and the card secret does not need to be set.
  • Settlement>payment options: generally, it is OK by default and does not need to be changed. It is enabled if tourists are allowed to pay.
  • Settlement page: set WeChat payment, fill in the appid and secret of the service account, WeChat payment merchant account (10 digits excluding @) and payment key respectively. Alipay also needs to apply for signing. Please refer to Click me directly Plug in page help documentation.

Add card secret products

Find the card secret menu on the left side of Wordpress background and add card secret products.

Card secret supports the import of excel and txt files, setting the title and price, and the inventory is automatically calculated without setting. WordPress Card Secret Sending Plug in Add Card Secret

The WordPress card secret sending plug-in adds a card secret. In the generated card secret list, you will see the short code corresponding to each card secret. Copy the short code, as shown in the following figure.

 WordPress card secret sending card plug-in copy short code
WordPress card secret sending card plug-in copy short code

Use of short card code

There are two ways to use it: article page and directory page.

1. Buy a card secret on the article page of the website. Create a new article on the left side of the WordPress background, insert the above short code in the article, and the buyer can get the card secret after paying.

2. Put the card secret purchase page into the navigation menu. In the appearance menu, find the Wshop CDkey purchase page (which can be modified to your own), add it to the main menu, and then save it.

The user gets the card secret

When the user sees the card secret receiving page as shown in the following figure after paying, he can copy it manually or save it in txt or csv format for easy use.

 WordPress Card Secret Issuing Plug in User Obtains Card Secret
WordPress Card Secret Issuing Plug in User Obtains Card Secret

There are video versions of the above tutorials, please see Click me directly Plug in page help document. The video operation process is more detailed and easier to understand.


How to modify the template of card secret settlement page?

WordPress card secret plug-in has a template engine, so friends with strong hands-on skills can change to the page they want.

The operation process is as follows:

Create a directory on the current theme page: wechat shop/cdkey

Copy wp content/wechat shop/add ons/cdkey/templates/cdkey/search-content.php to the created directory and change it to the style you want. Similarly, the php files under the template are changed in the same way.

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Article name: WordPress Card Secret Automatic Delivery Plugin_WordPress Card Secret Delivery Plugin Installation and Use Tutorial
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/21635.html
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