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The security group of the newly purchased Tencent virtual machine is not released, which makes the website and database inaccessible

There are two giants of domestic VM, Tencent VM and Alibaba VM, which are among the best in terms of configuration, access speed and security. Recently, netizens bought a Tencent virtual machine and planned to migrate the website to the past. After installing the lnmp environment, they could not open the website and database. They went to Weieis Blog for help and found it was a new one Tencent virtual machine security group The website and database cannot be accessed due to non release.

After you open Tencent virtual machine, you need to add several ports in the security group, log in to the Tencent virtual machine management console, find the security group and click the region where your website is located (the picture is too large and not completely intercepted), and follow the prompts below.

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1. Add an Internet access port. After viewing the rule, click Edit Rule to add a new line. The rule protocol is TCP, port 80, and save.

2. Add a new SSH port. The default SSH port of Linux is 22, which is generally changed for security reasons( How to modify the Cent OS default SSH port )。 After modification, you need to add it to the security group and save it. Otherwise, your SSH software cannot link to the server.

If you have added other self use ports, you should also add them to the security group. The newly purchased Tencent VM and AliCloud VM must go through such a step of release setting, otherwise the Internet will not be able to access your website. This situation is easy for newcomers who have not used these two hosts. You can use this article to operate, and the website and database can be accessed normally.

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Article name: "The website and database cannot be accessed because the security group of the newly purchased Tencent virtual machine has not been released"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/2153.html
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