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Website SSL Certificate FAQ Summary

Website SSL Certificate There are many common problems. In addition, domestic webmasters are not familiar with this, so today, Old Wei Hui summarized the questions about SSL certificates, SSL certificate installation and deployment, etc., and answered them in this article.

 Website SSL Certificate FAQ
Website SSL Certificate FAQ

Q: Why should https://be added in front of the URL? What is an SSL certificate small green lock (security lock) like?

A: Https means that the information entered by visitors is encrypted between the computer and the website server and will not be intercepted or tampered with illegally. This browser has made a security lock as an identification different from http. Unlike http, https is more secure.

Safety lock identification can be referred to Weiss Notes The website is a small green lock.

Q: Do websites have to use SSL certificates?

A: Google, Firefox, 360 and other mainstream browsers are all promoting full site https access, while websites without ssl certificates are marked as unsafe. The installation of SSL certificate can not only encrypt information transmission, prevent website information from being stolen and tampered with, but also improve customer trust. E-commerce websites including online transactions have deployed SSL certificates, which is the general trend and imperative.

Q: How does HTTPS encrypt information transmission?

A: It is divided into symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption (public key encryption). HTTPS uses SSL/TLS protocol for encrypted transmission. The client uses the certificate public key to randomly generate a symmetric encrypted secret key, and uses the public key to encrypt and transmit it to the server. Later, the symmetric secret key is used for encryption and decryption to complete the entire HTTPS transmission process.

Q: Can the managed server install SSL certificates?

A: Most server and client browsers support SSL. ECS servers like Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud can install SSL certificates. And both of them provide free SSL certificates for application and deployment.

Q: How do AliCloud and Tencent Cloud install SSL certificates?

A: The installation methods of SSL certificates on Apache and nginx services are also different. Please refer to the previous articles for details. Please move to Apply for an AliCloud free SSL certificate to open https tutorials for websites

Apply for Tencent Cloud free ssl certificate and deploy it to the pagoda panel

Supporting data:

Alibaba Cloud SSL certificate official document: Click me directly

Tencent Cloud SSL Certificate Official Document: Click me directly

Q: How to check whether the website has successfully deployed an SSL certificate?

A: If you can access the whole site page in https mode, it means that the SSL certificate has been successfully deployed.

Q: Can the original SSL certificate still be used after changing the IP address of the server?

A: The SSL certificate is bound to a domain name, and changing the IP address will not affect it. As long as the domain name remains unchanged, the original SSL certificate can still be used, and the domain name can be resolved to the new IP address.

Q: Does the SSL certificate need to be reapplied for hardware and software (such as environment software)?

A: The SSL certificate is issued for the domain name and has nothing to do with the server hardware and the environment package used.

Q: How to deploy SSL certificates more quickly?

A: In addition to the AliCloud free SSL certificate and Tencent Cloud free SSL certificate mentioned above, the pagoda panel also provides free SSL certificates, all of which are valid for one year and can be renewed for free after expiration, which means they can be used for free indefinitely. In addition to applying for free SSL certificates, the pagoda panel can also deploy AliCloud and Tencent Cloud certificates to the website, which is safe and fast and can be completed with a click of the mouse.

Click me directly Official website of pagoda panel: 1. The pagoda official will give a coupon gift package of 3188 yuan. 2. New users can enjoy a professional version of 0.99 yuan experience for one month.

Q: How to import the server certificate in pfx format in IIS?

A: Select IIS format when downloading the certificate. Please refer to the specific installation method

Alibaba Cloud SSL certificate official document: Click me directly

Tencent Cloud SSL Certificate Official Document: Click me directly

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For more Tencent Cloud content, please see Tencent Cloud

Q: How does SSL certificate domain name verification work?

A: Taking Alibaba Cloud as an example, when applying for an AliCloud SSL certificate, you can choose from three verification methods: domain name ownership or server ownership.

Automatic DNS verification: It is applicable to domain name registration in Alibaba Cloud, which is convenient, fast and one-step;
Manual DNS verification: if the domain name is in another service provider, you can select manual DNS verification and add resolution to the domain name service provider according to the certificate application prompt;
File verification: If there is no domain name ownership, file verification is optional. Create a directory under the root directory of the server website according to the certificate application prompt, and upload the verification file.

Q: Can SSL certificates be deployed on any server?

A: Most servers on the market support the deployment of SSL certificates, including AliCloud servers and Tencent ECS.

Q: Why is the certificate invalid when visiting the website?

A: The certificate is invalid for the following reasons: the certificate binding domain name is inconsistent with the domain name of the certificate used, the certificate has expired, the certificate is not trusted, and the certificate has been revoked by the CA organization.

Q: After the certificate is installed, the small lock will not be displayed, and you will be prompted that it is unsafe?

A: This prompt appears because the website code contains an HTTP connection, so the browser will prompt that the website is not in the fully secure https form. If some pages are not small green locks, it means that the page contains http links. In this case, you can use the following method to remedy the problem. The Really Simple SSL plug-in turns the whole website into https links and passes the https authentication of Baidu webmaster tool

Q: After the SSL certificate is configured on the website, port 443 cannot be accessed

A: It may be that the firewall rules of the server have not released port 443. If it has already been released, check whether there are security software such as security dogs and cloud locks that have not released port 443. If all the above are normal, it is difficult to see whether the website has been filed. If it has not been filed, port 443 cannot be used.

Q: Https access prompts that this website cannot provide a secure connection

A: Check whether the certificate date used is correct, or whether front-end services such as CDN or SLB are used. They can be accessed normally only after the SSL certificate is deployed.

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Article name: Summary of Frequently Asked Questions about Website SSL Certificates
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/21262.html
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