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The RAKsmart rent2own (R2O) project will deliver the machine after renting for one year

Join the RAKsmart rent2own (R2O) project, and I will give you this machine after renting it for one year!!! The RAKsmart R2O project will allow customers to own the ownership of the specified server after renting it for one year. In this year's lease period, guests can choose to prepay the rent for one year in advance or rent according to the monthly payment, but only after one year's use can R2O obtain the ownership of the server. When the one-year lease expires, the guest can choose to continue to leave the server in RAKsmart and renew it according to the hosting project, or choose to move the server out and mail it to himself.
ATOM, 2G memory, 500G hard disk, 5 IP, 100M/unlimited flow, only $48.23/month (¥ 299/month) Click me to check the details
RAKsmart is the fastest and most stable computer room in China, with a special price every week. If you have any questions, you can consult the work order.

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Article name: Machine delivery for RAKsmart rent2own (R2O) project after one year's lease
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/2109.html
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