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Baota APP - Mobile management pagoda Linux panel supports Android/iOS system with more and more powerful functions than applet

Baota APP It is the software developed by Pagoda Panel for mobile phone terminal and other mobile modes to manage the Pagoda Linux panel. Nowadays, more and more people use mobile phones and other mobile terminals to surf the Internet, and the management and monitoring of websites are no exception. The pagoda panel used to have a WeChat applet to manage and monitor websites( Tutorial of using WeChat applet )After Lao Wei used it, he found that there were still too few functions. After continuous development of the pagoda panel, the official launch of the pagoda APP, which is not attached to any platform, is an independent mobile software.

Previously, due to the lack of mobile adaptation for web pages, occasionally checking on mobile phones was almost blinding, and the function of WeChat applet was limited. Baota APP It supports Android and IOS systems, and can only be used by Pagoda Linux panel 7.2 and higher. After a period of use, Lao Wei found that this app is much easier to use than the previous WeChat applet. Its function is similar to the pagoda panel on the PC side. Its feature is that it is available on the mobile side, and you can view and manage the website anytime and anywhere when you go out. Lao Wei plans to share the installation and use tutorial of this app in this article, and introduce the details of this app.

Official website of pagoda website

Lao Wei suggested that the pagoda panel is suitable for novices and Xiaobai to build a website, and supports Linux and Windows systems, Click to go directly to the pagoda website Register an account and get a free professional edition gift package of ¥ 3188 (only 1188 yuan for permanent authorization of the professional edition). New users can enjoy a professional edition experience of 0.99 yuan for 7 days.
Recommended selection of pagoda panel Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud The server
For more information, see Special topic of pagoda panel
Click to view NetEase Cloud Classroom "Introduction to Pagoda Linux Panel for Novice"

Install tower APP

Premise: either the professional version account of the pagoda panel or the pagoda app plug-in for separate payment.

The installation process is divided into two steps as follows:

1. Open your pagoda panel>enable the api interface in the panel settings (in the middle of the top of the page), otherwise the pagoda APP cannot connect. Just save it directly, do not enter the IP white list!!!

2. Open your pagoda panel>software store>professional plug-in, and install "Baota APP"

Click the installed Baota APP, set it, see the QR code similar to the figure below, scan it with mobile WeChat, download and install the Baota APP.

Tip: The current mobile phone system requires high permissions for app installation. You can go to the mobile phone settings to allow the browser to install unknown apps.

3. If the mobile terminal scans for authorization and prompts that the authorization has been deleted, please reset the API interface key.

 Install Baota APP mobile phone management pagoda Linux panel
Install Baota APP mobile phone management pagoda Linux panel

Baota APP Details

After authorization, you will find that the Baota APP on the mobile phone has successfully bound to the server, and you can see the details on the mobile phone. Old Wei took a screenshot to open the home page, server status and management page, website management page, monitoring management page, etc. of Baota APP, which is convenient and comprehensive.

Including but not limited to the following functions:

Site management: click Add Site to set up your website, FTP and database, which is very user-friendly!
FTP management: When connecting to the management pagoda panel, Baota APP encrypts the communication in the whole process to ensure that the server information is not stolen maliciously!
Database management:
Add a database, enter the user name to create a MySQL database, and modify the [root password] online;
Monitoring management: the monitoring scope includes: load status, CPU, memory, disk IO, network IO utilization;
Security: check the firewall port status and panel operation log at any time to improve security awareness;
Scheduled tasks: set regular backup tasks and do a good job of data backup;
Officials are also developing more functions.

From the mobile phone tower APP client, we can see that it provides website management, FTP, database, monitoring management, security, task planning, Nginx service, Apache service, MySQL service, and Baota Professional firewall, monitoring report and other functions.

You can also view the server load, CPU, memory+free memory, hard disk usage, etc. in the tower APP.

Compared with the PC end, the Baota APP provides a considerable number of viewing and management functions. All functions suitable for mobile end operations have been added.

 Baota APP mobile terminal page display
Baota APP mobile terminal page display

Delete redundant servers in the tower APP list

Press and hold the IP address of the server to be deleted in the list, slide to the left, and the words "Delete" appear on the red background. Click OK.

Missing functions of Baota APP

At present, Lao Wei feels that he lacks the following functions:

1. Php version view and management functions.

2. The website management page lacks the ability to check the expiration of the SSL certificate. Lao Wei feels it is necessary to add this. For example, Let's Encrypt certificate is renewed once every three months. It is also appropriate to check it when you think about it to avoid the expiration of the certificate. The mobile phone can be seen when it is picked up. The computer needs to be powered on and then open the browser to log in. This process takes several minutes and is quite tedious. It is suggested that the pagoda official consider this issue. As for adding SSL certificates, it is really impossible to operate the mobile terminal because of the large content and complexity involved.

3. Operation on the pagoda panel itself

That is, management functions such as restarting the panel and the server.

4. At present, some users report that the adaptation of some mobile phone models is not perfect.

In short, the official promises that the follow-up functions will continue to iterate, and Lao Wei also believes that the pagoda panel will continue to update Baota APP Function, so that the pagoda panel can follow the current trend of mobile terminals for better use.

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Article name: Baota APP - Mobile management pagoda Linux panel supports Android/iOS system with more and more powerful functions than applet
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/21074.html
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