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How to launch Cloudflare CDN with one click for the new version of Siteground virtual host to gain global acceleration

After the revision of the new Siteground virtual host, because the management background has changed from the Cpanel to the DASHBOARD panel, many newcomers can't find how to activate Cloudflare CDN acceleration. The related tutorials written by Lao Wei before are those of the old version of Cpanel. In fact, the old version of the new version is just a change of the interface, and its essence is to speed up the website through Cloudflare CDN. There is no big difference.

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Related articles: One click launch of Cloudflare CDN at Siteground and global acceleration

Introduction to Siteground

An American host company, which provides virtual hosts, is famous for its ease of use, quickness, convenience and high speed. Many people in the domestic and foreign trade circles are using it, including foreign trade factories, trading companies, etc. One click deployment of SSL certificates, one click cache acceleration, one click cdn acceleration, one click move and other functions are all available. It is convenient for novices to use, and the speed of both domestic management websites and foreign customers visiting websites is good.

If you want to be a foreign trade website, Click me to open Go to siteground to register a new account and start your journey of building a foreign trade website.

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New Siteground Launches Cloudflare CDN

It is easy to open a cloudflare CDN in the siteground. You only need to provide your common email address and password to register, and you don't need to jump to cloudflare. Everything is done in the siteground, which is very convenient. It is also very friendly to novices. Especially if both websites register accounts, there are many things to set up. Let alone novices, even skilled users have to turn to for a while.

Because I don't have an account demo that I haven't opened, I'll use words to describe it.

In speed>cloudflare on the DASHBOARD panel, you will be asked to enter an email address and password on the right to register a cloudflare account. In order to prevent forgetting, you can use the same password as the siteground login account. Students who are afraid of being hacked can use a different password, and then record it to avoid forgetting.

After opening, you need to add a domain name. Here you add the main domain name, that is, the domain name without www. Then click ACTIVATE to activate. The system will automatically add and resolve the www domain name. This process is insensitive (you can find it in domain>dns zone editor).

After activation, as shown in the figure below, it is in normal use.

Tip: Some students said why the status in the figure below shows WWW REDIRECT CHECK FAILED? Old Wei's answer is that you should try whether the website can be logged in and managed normally. If you can, you should ignore this prompt. Please see the reason The new version of Siteground displays WWW REDIRECT CHECK FAILED after adding cloudflare

 New Siteground Launches Cloudflare CDN
New Siteground Launches Cloudflare CDN

Detailed settings of the new version of Siteground Cloudflare

The specific settings are in settings, and are explained as follows:

1、 cloudflare caching level, Choose aggressive to accelerate actively.

Simple simple setting: When transferring cache resources, query strings will be ignored.

Basic settings: cache most static resources (i.e. CSS, images, and JavaScript).

Aggressive active setting: cache all static resources, including those with query strings.

2、Cache Purge

Don't understand!!!

Force Cloudflare to immediately clear all cache resources of the website. Frequently clearing the cache may slow down the website, and there is no need to manually clear it.

3、Development Mode

Don't touch if you don't understand!!!

Development mode, temporarily suspend the caching and merging function of Cloudflare. The development mode is useful if you want to make changes to cacheable content, such as images, css, or JavaScript, and you want to see these changes immediately.

Note: Once entering the development mode, it will last for 3 hours, and then it will be automatically closed.

4. The buttons on the orange background are all paid functions provided by Cloudflare, which can be used or not. The free function is enough. In order to save money, this paid function is skipped.

5. Cloudflare Security Settings Severity

High is enough.

6、Always Online

The continuous online function must be turned on of course. Keep the website online even if the server fails. Cloudflare will provide cached pages to visitors. Once the server returns to normal, Cloudflare will allow users to resume normal browsing.

7、 Email Obfuscation Parameters

Anti spam function. By enabling the email address obfuscation function, Cloudflare encrypts the email address on the web page crawled by the search engine spider and makes it visible to human visitors.

8. Js, css, and html Autominify are all open, automatically optimized, compressed, and accelerated.


Use web performance optimization technology to accelerate the connection between Cloudflare and the host server. Deliver dynamic and personalized content that cannot be cached faster, and the website opens much faster.

10、SSL Support

If your website has installed and configured the Let's Encrypt certificate, it is recommended to select the "Full Strict" option. Let the system automatically update the encryption certificate.

11. IP access control is an IP blacklist whitelist function. If you find that some IP addresses continue to attack you, you can manually add them to the IP blacklist.

12. Statistics is the data statistics after the launch of cloudflare cdn. It provides data summary for different days. If you are interested, you can go to the official website of cloudflare to view more access data.

In a word, it would be better for everyone to set the same settings as shown in the figure below, which can greatly optimize and speed up our website and give full play to its performance.

 Detailed settings of the new version of Siteground Cloudflare
Detailed settings of the new version of Siteground Cloudflare
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Article name: How the New Siteground Virtual Host Can Get Global Acceleration by One Button Launching Cloudflare CDN
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/20998.html
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