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How to Enable BasicAuth Authentication for Pagoda Panel to Improve Panel Security

As the pagoda panel is used by more and more people, all kinds of scanning software on the network have not let it go. In addition to scanning website features, they also scan panel features. In order to add a layer of security lock to the panel and ensure the data security of the webmaster, the pagoda panel launched the login very early BasicAuth Authentication Function. In front of the login account password on the pagoda panel, add a lock with BasicAuth authentication. In this article, Lao Wei will explain in detail what is BasicAuth authentication, and how the pagoda panel enables and closes BasicAuth authentication to improve Pagoda panel safety

Lao Wei suggested that the pagoda panel is suitable for novices and Xiaobai to build a website, and supports Linux and Windows systems, Click to go directly to the pagoda website
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What is BasicAuth authentication

BasicAuth authentication is the basic http authentication. A login authentication method that allows web browsers or other client programs to provide user names and passwords when requesting access. In short, each request for access requires the other party to provide a user name and password, which is very simple and easy for the initiator to control.

Pagoda panel BasicAuth certification This is to prevent scanning and intercept malicious requests, and also ensure the security of the default account password on the pagoda panel.

Enable BasicAuth authentication

Log in to the background of your pagoda panel, and click "Configure" in Panel Settings>BasicAuth Authentication.

 Pagoda panel BasicAuth certification
Pagoda panel BasicAuth certification

See the big risk prompt. Enabling BasicAuth authentication cannot replace the account and password of the panel itself. If you forget, you can also disable BasicAuth authentication by entering the bt command through SSH.

Many new students do not understand the risk of this thing, and they forget the account password after opening it, which will bring unnecessary trouble to themselves. Therefore, you should fully understand this risk tip before opening.

If you want to know whether to use it or not, check "Know the details and be willing to take risks" and confirm.

 Open BasicAuth authentication risk prompt
Open BasicAuth authentication risk prompt

Select Enable as the service status, and enter the user name and password. Don't make it too easy like me, for example, you can use Asdf1234@#$ This complex password with more than 12 digits, numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, and symbols.

 BasicAuth authentication account password
BasicAuth authentication account password

Click Save Configuration, and the page will automatically refresh. A window will pop up asking you to enter the password of the BasicAuth authentication account, as shown below:

 BasicAuth authentication login interface
BasicAuth authentication login interface

Enter the correct BasicAuth authentication account and password to see the panel. To enter the panel, you need to confirm the account and password of the security entrance and the panel itself. Double encryption provides more peace of mind.

Friends who have not installed the pagoda panel, please Click me directly On the pagoda panel official website, remember to register the pagoda official account and bind it to the pagoda panel of your server, so that new users can enjoy the professional version of 0.99 yuan for one month.

Turn off BasicAuth authentication

Some people forget their login account password after opening it, or have to authenticate twice every time. It's too annoying. What can I do if I want to close it now?

There are two methods as follows:

The first is to enter the pagoda panel, click "Configure" in Panel Settings>BasicAuth Authentication, and select "Close" as the server status.

The second method is to use SSH software to connect to the server, enter the bt command, and select 23 to disable the BasicAuth authentication.

 SSH software turns off BasicAuth authentication
SSH software turns off BasicAuth authentication
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Article name: How to Enable BasicAuth Authentication on Pagoda Panel to Improve Panel Security
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/20913.html
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