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WordPress website relocation plug-in All in one WP Migration_ One click migration method for novice wordpress

All in one WP Migration Plug in It is more suitable for websites in AliCloud virtual host, bluehost virtual host, godaddy virtual host, and when they want to move to siteground virtual host and ECS. Because the move file is generated and imported by one click, Lao Wei thinks it is suitable for novices and Xiaobai. Xiaobai operates the website to move. The fewer steps, the better. It seems to be suitable for Xiaobai.

There are many WordPress website backup plug-ins, and there are several ways to move, all of which can achieve the purpose of website migration. But in the actual experience, it is very different. For example, in many cases, the program is backed up once, and the database is backed up separately. This is not very friendly for novices. For Xiaobai, who is not familiar with the website, relevant nouns and knowledge, even more operations are daunting. Today, Lao Wei introduced a wordpress plug-in - All in one WP Migration. From the name, it means "wordpress one click migration". Just as the name implies, it means program+database can be done at one time.

Weiss wrote in his notes BackUpWordPress plug-in regularly backs up websites and databases , this is moving with the wordpress plug-in. In another article Various backup methods of WordPress are introduced in detail and how to select them? Which is suitable for beginners? Mention a variety of website relocation methods. Everyone's website environment is different, and the new and old hosts are different, so you can choose different methods. The All in one WP Migration plug-in mentioned in this article is suitable for most situations.

The operation steps of the All in One WP Migration plug-in are as follows: compress and package the website program files and databases locally, install a new wordpress website on the new host, install the plug-in, import the backed up compressed file, and then restore the entire content of the website. Is it simple? Let's cut the crap and start the detailed operation steps below.

Installing plug-ins

From Wordpress Dashboard>Plug in>Install Plug in, search All in one WP Migration and see the following figure.

Click Install Now.

Tip: If it is difficult to download plug-ins because the host is in China, please install the wp china yes plug-in (tutorial WP China Yes plug-in can't update WordPress program/theme/plug-in in China )。 In the days when Wordpress official website has been 429 too many requests, Lao Wei and his friends thought this plug-in was excellent, and praised the author!

 Install All in one WP Migration plug-in

Install All in one WP Migration plug-in

Old host export website backup

After enabling the plug-in, start exporting the site file. Generally, you choose to export to a file. The backup file format is. wpress file, which is downloaded locally.


 All in one WP Migration plug-in exports website backup file

All in one WP Migration plug-in exports website backup file

New host import website backup

Go to a new virtual host or ECS, install a new WordPress website, and repeat the above steps to install the All in one WP Migration plug-in. Select Import>File in the plug-in, and then select the local. wpress file. The page prompts that the import operation will overwrite all existing databases, media files, plug-ins, themes, etc. Because it is a new website, it is OK to confirm. After a moment's prompt that the import is successful, all the contents of the new website will be replaced with the information of the old website, including the background login account password.

At present, the maximum file size of the free plug-in is 50M, but the 512M file written on his official website is inconsistent with the 512M file. Lao Wei has not tested the 512M file. Please let me know who has tested it.

If it is really limited to 50M, it will be more and more stingy.

Set fixed link

The most important step is to go to Wordpress background>Settings>Fixed link Click twice to save the changes (There is no need to modify the default link).

Confirm whether the move is successful

Exit the current WordPress login, log in again with the old website information, and check whether it is normal at the front and back. If there is no exception, the move is successful.

All in one WP Migration Plug in From the perspective of operation, it is suitable for novices. If it is not limited to 50M, it has already become popular. It costs 69 yuan to buy an unlimited version. Nobody can move every day. There are popular solutions to the capacity on the Internet, because the old version of the plug-in cannot be found, and Lao Wei cannot test it.

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Article name: All in one WP Migration_ One click migration method for new wordpress
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/20544.html
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