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Several solutions to failure caused by WordPress uploading pictures exceeding 2500 pixels

WordPress encountered an error while uploading the image: image post-processing failed. This is a photo or a larger image. Please reduce it to 2500 pixels and upload again. Similar tips Lao Wei once shared An alternative solution to reduce WordPress image post processing failure to 2500 pixel upload Because everyone is faced with different situations, although the tips for this problem are the same, the causes and solutions are different. Old Wei thinks it is representative and can solve some people's problems, so the records are shared here.

System environment at the time of error

This problem usually occurs in Linux servers, such as CentOS operating system, WordPress 5.3 and above, and Pagoda Firewall Professional.

Why does it appear in WordPress version 5.3 or above

Starting from WordPress 5.3, the management method of detecting large images has been added to solve the problem that the size of uploaded photos is generally large.

If the reason you encounter is that the original image is really too large, you can cut it manually. If cutting is not allowed, you can use the following methods to solve the problem:

1. Add the following code to functions. php

 //Disable WordPress picture 2560 pixel clipping add_filter (  'big_image_size_threshold' ,  '__return_false'  );

2. Use the Disable "BIG Image" Threshold plug-in to disable the large image function of WordPress 5.3.

In particular, wordpress websites such as photographers, photography lovers, galleries, art exhibitions and art exhibitions that need to upload high-definition pictures can be used.

But in fact, the pictures of these netizens are not large in size, and the length and width are generally below 1000px, so this problem should not occur.

Possible solutions: An alternative solution to reduce WordPress image post processing failure to 2500 pixel upload

Pagoda Professional Firewall

After repeated communication, it is found that some website servers with problems use the pagoda professional firewall, and the rules are updated regularly.

Part of the rules of the pagoda professional firewall will prohibit external POST operations on the server. The file path is/wp admin/async upload.php.

Solution: Add async-upload.php to the URL white list of the pagoda firewall. And notified the official to update the rules. However, Lao Wei found that someone's server still made mistakes after updating the firewall rules. So the most safe thing is to add the previous file to the white list, so that you can upload pictures normally.

For more information, please see the official website of the pagoda panel: Click me directly The pagoda official will present a coupon package of 3188 yuan. New users can enjoy a professional version of 0.99 yuan experience for one month.

In addition, if you deploy server security software such as cloud lock and security dog on the server, this may also happen. The solution is to turn off the protection of website directory in the software.

CPU load 100%

Supplement on August 4, 2020:

When a friend's server uses 100% CPU and 100% load (this 100% is when you upload pictures), this prompt will also appear. So you can go to the monitoring list to check the CPU and load usage.

1. If you use the server with the pagoda panel, you can view the occupancy of these two items on the home page of the pagoda panel;

2. Open My Account>Services>Hosting for the Siteground virtual host, click the Manage button, and then select Statistics Specific reference Where to view statistics such as Siteground disk space

3. The Cpanel panel also goes to the background to check the CPU usage;

4. ECS can use SSH software to connect to the server and execute the top command to view CPU and memory usage.

In case of the above problems, restart the server first and then observe. If the problem still cannot be solved, communicate with the customer service of the merchant in time to solve it.

Therefore, in combination with the above situations, the reasons for the failure of uploading pictures over 2500 pixels in WordPress may not be the same, and specific analysis of specific problems can be targeted to solve the problem.

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Article name: Several solutions to failure caused by WordPress uploading pictures exceeding 2500 pixels
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/20539.html
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The copyright of the pictures belongs to their respective creators, and the picture watermark is for the purpose of preventing unscrupulous people from stealing the fruits of labor.