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Do you need to update the Gutenberg editor for WordPress 5.4 upgrade?

The official version of WordPress 5.4 was released. As the first official version in 2020, its main functions are upgraded around Gutenberg editor (also translated into Gutenberg editor). No security updates Mainly add more ways to create content on the Gutenberg editor. Of course, Lao Wei still likes to write articles with classic editors.

 WordPress 5.4 mainly upgrades Gutenberg editor
WordPress 5.4 mainly upgrades Gutenberg editor

New features of WordPress 5.4 official version

  • New editor blocks are mainly used when writing content, including social icon blocks and button blocks.
  • Improved editor functionality, providing new color options for multiple blocks.
  • Block Selection Tool
  • Drag and drop to add featured pictures
  • Fixed toolbar at the top makes it easier to use the editor on mobile devices.
  • Select image size in gallery block
  • Improved latest article block
  • Embed TikTok video
  • Updated privacy tools
  • Enhancements affect theme and plug-in developers

How to update WordPress 5.4

Please say something important three times before updating, and back up website files and databases in advance. With backup, you can do whatever you want!

There are three possible methods.

1. Because of the well-known 429 Too Many Requests error prompt, the domestic server has been unable to update the wordpress program. It is almost impossible to upgrade in the background. If the WP China Yes plug-in is installed, it can be upgraded quickly. For details, see WP China Yes plug-in can't update WordPress program/theme/plug-in in China

2. Manual update can be downloaded from the following address with Xunlei:

Chinese version: https://cn.wordpress.org/wordpress-5.4-zh_CN.zip
English version: https://wordpress.org/wordpress-5.4.zip

It is not possible to download directly with a browser.

The manual update method is as follows:
WordPress Manual Upgrade Update Method
Wordpress manually updates method records

3. Chinese people provide WordPress image stations, which are also good to use.

Chinese version: http://cn.wp101.net/
English version: http://wp101.net/

Do you want to update WordPress 5.4

This version mainly adds new functions to the Gutenberg editor. You are accustomed to using this editor at ordinary times. It is also good to update it. Using the new functions of the editor is helpful for writing.

If you are used to the classic editor like Wei, you should wait and see. After all, nothing has changed since the upgrade. We also need to consider whether the theme supports new versions, and whether there will be a bug or something if the plug-in is not compatible.

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Article name: Does WordPress 5.4 Upgrade Gutenberg Editor Need to be Updated
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/20512.html
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