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Process record of domain name transfer from AliCloud to Tencent Cloud _ AliCloud domain name transfer to Tencent Cloud domain name

For various reasons, website domain names will need to be transferred between different domain name providers. At this time, you need to operate the domain name transfer. Wei Aisi's notes have been operated recently Domain name transferred from AliCloud to Tencent Cloud As a dedicated blogger (in fact, I'm afraid I will forget it later), I record and share the whole process of. If you happen to need such a tutorial, move to the bench and learn together.

If you don't want to transfer the domain name, but just want to use the AliCloud domain name for Tencent ECS, please refer to the related article: The specific process of Alibaba Cloud domain name resolution in Tencent ECS

Alibaba Cloud asks for the domain name transfer password

Click me to log in On the Alibaba Cloud console, enter the domain name console, and click [Request Domain Name Transfer Code] in the basic information of the domain name. At this time, Alibaba Cloud will send an email with the transfer password to the domain name management mailbox. The header is "Wannet Domain Name Transfer out Password Notice". Copy the transfer password in the message.

Prompt: If the prompt "[Disable update lock] has been enabled, this function is temporarily unavailable", this is the role of Alibaba Cloud's security mechanism, and you need to manually close it. In [Security Settings], close the "two locks" provided by the system, follow the prompt, and provide the corresponding mobile phone verification code. Then you can ask for the password normally.

 Alibaba Cloud asks for the domain name transfer password
Alibaba Cloud asks for the domain name transfer password

Tencent cloud domain name transfer operation

Since you are planning to build a long-term website in Tencent Cloud, as a new user, you can enjoy a great discount on ECS purchase. Click me to get it Tencent Cloud 1000 yuan coupon can be used to purchase Tencent Cloud products to offset the amount and save the cost of going to the cloud.

Remember to purchase Tencent ECS before the domain name is transferred in, otherwise you will lose your new user qualification and will not be eligible for the preferential price. If you don't know how to choose the server model and configuration, you can ask Lao Wei for help and advice, and contact Lao Wei on the right side of the page.

Selected explosives area
618 Zhongshenghui Click to view the purchase
Selected preferential activities Click to view the purchase
Tencent Cloud Preferential Products Zone Click to view the purchase
Cross border e-commerce store server Lightweight application server
Tencent Cloud Animal Palu Game Server Click to view the purchase
For more Tencent Cloud content, please see Tencent Cloud

Click me to open On the official website of Tencent Cloud, enter the domain name management in the console, first create a [domain name information template], complete and submit it according to the page requirements, and wait for the review to be completed. The normal audit time is one working day. In fact, it can be completed in about one hour.

Then enter the domain name and transfer code on the [Domain name transfer in] page as shown in the following figure. There should be a space in the middle. If you don't understand, read the system prompt.

After binding the domain name information template, submit it.

 Tencent cloud domain name transfer in
Tencent cloud domain name transfer in

Waiting for domain name transfer and regret period

At this time, Alibaba Cloud sends you another email with the title "Alibaba Cloud domain name transfer out notice", which contains the transfer expiration date, meaning that if you want to transfer your domain name, you can ignore this email. Wait a few days and the automatic transfer will succeed.

Tip: There is a 5-7 day regret period during this period, which means that the transfer is not completed immediately. If you do not want to transfer these days, you can click Cancel on the AliCloud domain name console or email to stop the transfer, so that the domain name remains in AliCloud.

Domain name transferred to Tencent Cloud

After the expiration time, the domain name will be automatically transferred to Tencent Cloud, and the domain name mailbox will also receive an email of successful transfer. At this time, the domain name will use the domain name information template to automatically real name, followed by a series of operations such as website filing, domain name resolution, installation environment and website deployment.

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Article name: "Record of the process of domain name transfer from AliCloud to Tencent Cloud _ AliCloud domain name transfer to Tencent Cloud domain name"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/20402.html
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