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Alibaba Cloud ECS servers share the difference between standard S6 and burst performance t5 and how to choose them

Alibaba Cloud ECS server Differences between shared S6 and burst performance t5 instances where? Which is better? How do users choose? These three problems are believed to be difficult problems for many users. The main reason is that we don't know what features these two models have and what production environments they are suitable for. Today, Lao Wei explained in detail the difference and choice between the two models.

 Alibaba Cloud ECS servers share the difference between standard S6 and burst performance t5
Alibaba Cloud ECS servers share the difference between standard S6 and burst performance t5

Alibaba Cloud burst performance t5 instance

The characteristics of burst performance instance specification family t5 are described in the official document as follows:
Processor: 2.5 GHz Intel ® Xeon ® processor with DDR4 memory.
Applicable scenarios: Web application server, light load applications, microservices, development and testing of pressure test service applications.
For more information, see Official Documents

This instance is a previous generation entry-level server model launched by Alibaba Cloud. After a large amount of data summary and analysis, Alibaba Cloud learned that the CPU utilization rate of many servers is less than 20%. In addition to the price, Alibaba Cloud introduced such a server model that limits the CPU performance. It is meant to be cheap and cost-effective. Unexpectedly, many users are greedy for bargains, buy them without understanding, and use them for enterprise level websites and businesses, resulting in frequent problems such as stuck.

What about the t5 instance?

Old Wei said T5 instance is very popular if it is used for personal blogs and small websites The premise is that you understand the characteristics of t5. It's like an Android phone that costs 699 yuan. You can play such games as Tank War, Plant War and Zombie. Some users bought it at a low price, but also played King's Glory and Jedi Survival. Do you think it's OK?

AliCloud shares standard S6 instances

With the development of cloud computing, the t5 instance slowly exits, and Alibaba Cloud has launched a shared s6 instance. The official documents describe the features of s6 as follows:

Compared with the previous generation shared instance type family (xn4, n4, mn4 and e4), the cost performance is improved
Processor: 2.5 GHz Intel ® Xeon ® Platinum 8269CY (Cascade Lake), Remax 3.2 GHz, stable computing performance, combined with DDR4 memory, I/O optimization instance, supports ESD cloud disk, SSD cloud disk and efficient cloud disk
Applicable scenarios: small and medium-sized websites and Web applications, development environment, construction server, code repository, microservice, testing and staging environment, lightweight database, cache, lightweight enterprise applications, and integrated application services.
For more information, see Official Documents

At present, shared s6 instances frequently appear on AliCloud activity pages, and the price is lower than t5 and other shared instances.

Difference and selection between shared s6 and burst performance instance t5

On the activity page of the 2020 AliCloud purchase season, the price of shared s6 is lower than that of t5 under the same configuration. Please see the configuration price comparison in the following table:

model to configure CPU peak performance 1-year price 3-year price
Shared standard s6 Click me directly One core, 2g memory, 1m bandwidth, 40G cloud disk 100% sixty-nine point eight six /
Burst performance instance t5 Click me directly 20% seventy-four point four three two hundred and thirty-three point two nine

In the same year, the price difference is less than 5 yuan, but the CPU peak of the shared S6 is 100% and the burst performance t5 is only 20%. Users who are still hesitating should directly purchase Alibaba Cloud ECS shared S6 ECS;
From the perspective of the 3-year purchase duration, the original price is restored when the shared S6 is renewed later, while the 3-year price of the burst performance t5 is only 223.29 yuan. If it is ok to use blogs and small websites, Alibaba Cloud ECS burst performance t5 ECS is more affordable.

To sum up, buying Alibaba Cloud ECS can be divided into the following three situations:

1. The new webmaster wants to play an independent blog, learn and become familiar with ECS for one year. In terms of price and cost performance, the shared S6 ECS is of course the first choice;
2. It is cost-effective to know how to optimize the choice of websites and ECS to purchase burst performance t5;
3. If the website is in a period of rapid development, it is necessary to purchase shared universal mn4 (2-core 8G5M-1379 yuan/3 years) and ECS shared n4 (2-core 4G3M-779 yuan/3 years). Such a cheap price is also very popular.

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Article name: Alibaba Cloud ECS Server Sharing Standard S6 and Burst Performance t5: Differences and Selection
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/20190.html
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