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Fusion Builder editor cannot display the solution process of _Fusion Builder editor out of shape normally

If Fusion Builder editor cannot be displayed normally , you cannot edit post, page, portfolio, etc. The Fusion Builder editor is the core editor of the Avada theme and the soul of the Avada theme. A classmate came to Lao Wei when encountering this kind of problem. After many attempts to solve the problem, this can be shared as a valuable case for everyone to expand their ideas.

Avada Theme It is the first selling wordpress theme in themeforest. If you are interested, you can Click me to have a look There are tens of thousands of foreign theme sales. At present, the theme on themeforest is paid once for life, which is quite cost-effective compared with other themes' annual payment.
For more information on the Avada theme, see Avada Topic

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After the student moved to the website and changed the domain name, the following problem occurred:

1. The foreground page is out of shape. There are no pictures, only text with links can be seen. For this problem, friends who often contact websites know that it is because the path of the css file is incorrect.

2. The support/FAQ, Demos, and Plugins of the Avada theme display abnormally at the bottom, with large icons. It is preliminarily suspected that the path of the css file is wrong.

3. As shown in the figure below, the fusion builder editor in post, page, portfolio and other areas is in this strange shape and cannot be displayed normally.

 Fusion Builder editor cannot be displayed normally
Fusion Builder editor cannot be displayed normally

In short, there are problems at the front and back. The student is very upset and the boss is very angry.

Problem solving process

Lao Wei got the account password of WordPress background and panel, and tried the following operations after logging in:

1. Turn off the wp rocket plug-in (the plug-in generates some text in the background of WordPress, which enlarges the page). I bought the CDN acceleration service of the rocket plug-in before, but now I don't want to renew it. Then delete a php file+2 directories generated by the plug-in in/wp content/. This kind of cache plug-in is troublesome. You not only need to stop the plug-in in the background of WordPress, but also need to delete the generated things in the plug-in directory. The cache plug-in is very fast when it is used well. It will be counterproductive if it does not use random settings. This article is a counter example.

To learn about plug-in usage, please go to Detailed Graphic and Text Tutorial of WP Rocket Plug in Installation, Deployment and Settings

2. Installed the batch replacement url plug-in (tutorial WordPress batch replacement url plug-in Velvet Blues Update URLs installation )The purpose is to solve the problem of both the old and new domain names of this website. Finally, 42 old domain names were replaced. This step should be done sooner or later, otherwise it will affect the normal opening of the website's foreground page.

3. After the webmaster moved, he manually changed the theme file name and changed the avada directory name to another name.

4. Try uploading another avada theme and avada child theme file.

5. There are more than 10 plug-ins in the background of the website. Close the plug-ins one by one and then test the situation of the foreground and background.

5. It was Lao Wei's turn to be depressed. Since there is a problem with this site, all new and old domain names are resolved to this site. And I can't find the problem for a while. It's not my own website that can't be deleted at will. Simply create a new website, resolve the new domain name (delete the new domain name from the old website settings on the panel in advance), and use today's backup for website files and databases.

He highly praised this student's good habit of backing up websites every day and saved himself at a critical moment.

It is easy to create new websites with ideas. Copy the backed up website file to the directory of the new website and decompress it. Backup the database before importing (the database account password in wp-config.php can be changed to the new database or the original database can be used). Activate the fusion builder plug-in and fusion core plug-in, upgrade the avada theme patch, and set the wordpress pseudo static in the panel. Then delete the rocket plug-in, several directories and files attached to the background of the new website WordPress. After refreshing the browser, you can see the normal website page. The WordPress background post, page, portfolio and other contents are also displayed normally, and the fusion builder editor can also edit the website page.

The finishing job is to delete the old website and see if there are any other places that are different from those before the move.

If you are interested in the avada theme (Wordpress theme sales first), please take a look at what Lao Wei shared before:
Avada Theme Installation Tutorial
Avada Theme Demo Demo Import Tutorial

At this point, the work of saving the website is over. It gives Lao Wei the feeling that before your website moves, you should first list in your mind what to do in the first step and what to do in the second step. In particular, the move of avada theme (foreign theme) is a comprehensive test of personal website knowledge and server knowledge. If you do not understand the website and server knowledge, you will dare to make a bold effort and it is easy to make mistakes. If you ask the other party how they made the website look like this, you can't remember it at all. In short, it is the best policy to plan before moving.

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Article name: The Fusion Builder Editor Cannot Display the Solution Process of _Fusion Builder Editor Runout
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/20015.html
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