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Hubei Tencent ECS selects East China, South China, Southwest China or North China

Hubei Tencent ECS East South China or North China? It is often found that such friends have questions about the geographical selection of Tencent ECS. Hubei Province is closer to Sichuan in terms of geographical location. The following article describes in detail the region and cost performance ratio.

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 Hubei Tencent ECS selects East China, South China, Southwest China or North China
Hubei Tencent ECS selects East China, South China, Southwest China or North China

Server region

There is a concept of waiting (TFFB) page request time in the website opening time. On the premise that other factors are identical, the closer the visitor is to the server, the lower the access delay and the higher the access speed. The faster you can open a website.

Of course, the premise is to consider the region where your business users are located. Users buy servers wherever they are. Take this article as an example. If your users are all in Hubei Province, you can see from the map that they are closer to Sichuan and East China, while Tencent Cloud has cloud server rooms in Shanghai, Chongqing and Chengdu. Among them, the East China Shanghai computer room is the key computer room of Tencent, which can radiate to the coastal areas of East China and the whole country. The two computer rooms in Sichuan are used to support the use of the Southwest region, so they can now be used in Hubei Province.

If you are in Hubei Province and the users are all over the country, you can choose Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou nodes. After all, these three cities are among the largest cities in China, and the Internet is more developed than other cities.

For more information, please refer to Official Document - Region and Availability Zone

The following is the evaluation of the three regional servers

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Price varies in different regions

Tencent Cloud is famous for its high stability and fast speed. For the above mentioned regional prices, Chongqing and Chengdu are the same, and Shanghai is the same as Beijing and Shenzhen. If the price is the same, you can choose according to the first point above, Click me to get it Tencent Cloud 1000 yuan voucher gift package can offset part of the amount when paying, saving the cost of going to the cloud. At present, the cheapest one core 1G ECS in Tencent Cloud costs only 0.3 yuan/day, which is already quite cheap. At the same time, the speed and stability are also well controlled. Tencent Cloud is a big business that has the ability to deliver.

Does Alibaba Cloud choose North China, East China or South China in Hubei? After selecting the right region, you can use Tencent ECS to open websites and businesses, and the website can run smoothly. In addition, if you have questions about the choice of model and configuration after you select the region, and do not know how your business and website should choose the configuration and model, you can contact Lao Wei's WeChat on the right side of the page, and use my experience to help you make suggestions and find a balance between server performance, website speed and cost.

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Article name: Hubei Tencent ECS selects East China, South China, Southwest China or North China
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/19908.html
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