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Which region does Xi'an choose to use Tencent ECS better?

Which region does Xi'an choose to use Tencent ECS better? Xi'an is located in the middle of China, close to Chongqing, Shanghai and Nanjing. When using Tencent ECS, it is recommended to take comprehensive factors into consideration so as to select a server suitable for your own business.

 Which region is better to use Tencent ECS in Xi'an
Which region is better to use Tencent ECS in Xi'an

For local visitors

When your website and business face users, the first element is user experience. Opening speed is the user's first experience of the website, and the ranking of websites opened within 2 seconds in the search engine ranking will also have corresponding bonus points. If you still can't open it after more than 6~8 seconds, not only will the search engine give you the right to lower, but users may also be lost. After excluding overseas visitors, the three regions mentioned above will be given priority in China.

If the website and project mainly serve local users, such as regional catering applet, local forum and the nature of providing local services, the visitor group is mainly local people. So choose the nearest route to the local area, such as Tencent Cloud Nanjing node, which is the nearest geographically. Of course, you can also choose Shanghai, Beijing, Chongqing nodes for more information Official Document>Region and Availability Zone

Selected explosives area
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For domestic visitors

A considerable number of websites are targeted at visitors from all over the country, with users from all directions and no specific region. For such websites and projects, priority should be given to the three major nodes in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. The reason is very simple. Shanghai and Guangzhou are all Internet cities, and the degree of network development is among the best in China. Beijing is the central city of China, so the degree of network development is even more important.

In addition, Shanghai and Guangzhou are both international network exports, and foreign user visits are also accessed through these two cities.

When targeting national visitors, no matter which node you use in China, you can additionally use CDN acceleration services, such as Tencent Cloud CDN. The first advantage of using CDN is that the website content is distributed throughout the country through CDN, and visitors can visit the website nearby much faster; Second, it can hide the real IP address of the website to avoid being attacked by DDos and CC.

Purchase Tencent ECS, Click me to get it The voucher of 1000 yuan can be used to offset part of the amount when making payment, which can save the cost of going to the cloud. If you are hesitant to choose a Tencent ECS node and do not know how to choose it, you can add Lao Wei's contact information on the right side of the page to help you come up with ideas for reference.

In general, the route to use Tencent Cloud in Xi'an depends on where the main business visitors are distributed, and the location of the ECS room is determined according to the region. These domestic nodes of Tencent Cloud are connected to the machine room through multi line BGP, and the access speed to China is extremely fast. An additional cdn would be a great addition.

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Article name: Which region of Xi'an chooses Tencent ECS to use better
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/19858.html
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