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WordPress fixed link settings and pseudo static rules

WordPress is a dynamic php website Wordpress fixed link , which can effectively "static" the wordpress article url. Of course, this is not a real html file. This series of operations are collectively called Wordpress pseudo static setting

1. Wordpress fixed link

At the initial stage of WordPress, the selection of fixed links should be involved. The significance here is very important. From the perspective of search engine SEO, it is not recommended to modify it after confirmation.

Log in to Wordpress website background>Settings>Fixed Links. Wordpress fixed links have many options. From the screenshot below, we can see that plain, date and name, month and name, number, article name, and custom structure are provided by default.

 Wordpress fixed link settings
Wordpress fixed link settings

In here Numbers and article names are the most suitable for website SEO

1. The digital type is more general. If you have no requirements for the website's article URL like Lao Wei, you can use the digital type directly. It uses the article ID as the web URL, such as the URL of this article https://www.vpsss.net/19830.html Is a fixed digital link with a user-defined structure.

2. The URL of the article name is your domain name/wordpress-gu-ding-lian-jie.html, which can be expressed in pinyin or English. However, you should customize an article name in each article, or it will be displayed Your domain name/Wordpress fixed link settings and pseudo static rules This kind of Chinese website is not good for website seo and visitors.

3. You can also freely combine fixed link forms. In the figure above, the available tags in the customized form include:% year%% monthnum%% day%% hour%% minute%% second%% post_id%% postname%% category%% author%, etc. You can add any suffix to the tag.

4. How to choose a numeric or article name?

It is not required to use numerical type, and the URL of the article ID mentioned above can be formed with a user-defined structure.

For example, use/% postname%. html or/% post_id%. html in the custom structure.

The article name structure is particularly suitable for Foreign trade website perhaps B2b e-commerce website B2c e-commerce website Pinyin or English URLs can enhance the website access experience. Lao Wei suggests you do this when you are doing foreign trade websites. The URL form of article name+html suffix is easy to be included in search engines and has high weight. If you pay special attention to details, you can try it. You can manually assign an article name to each article. The number of articles on foreign trade websites is not large. This URL form is also excellent for user experience.

The new website will be easy to do. If it is a website with thousands of articles like Weieis Notes, it can't be changed manually, and after the change, 301 redirects will be done. It's a big head to think about.

From the perspective of website SEO, in the long run, it is necessary to determine which fixed link should be set at the initial stage of website establishment, and when the website is opened for visit, do not modify the form of fixed link casually, otherwise it will be detrimental to website SEO. If you have to modify the fixed link form after the website has been running for a period of time and has been included by the search engine, you should be prepared to be "abused" by the search engine.

2. Wordpress pseudo static rule

After the WordPress fixed link is set, 404 error prompts may appear on the article page of the website, which cannot be opened because the server has not set pseudo static rules.

 Pagoda panel setting Wordpress pseudo static rules
Pagoda panel setting Wordpress pseudo static rules

When the server we use deploys the environment software with the pagoda panel, whether you use nginx or apache, the system will automatically add the corresponding rules after just a few mouse clicks. For more information, please see the official website of the pagoda panel: Click me directly The pagoda official will present a coupon package of 3188 yuan. New users can enjoy a professional version of 0.99 yuan experience for one month.

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Recommended selection of pagoda panel Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud The server
For more information, see Special topic of pagoda panel
Click to view NetEase Cloud Classroom "Introduction to Pagoda Linux Panel for Novice"

If the foreign trade website uses the siteground virtual host to build a site, the system will automatically deploy pseudo static rules for us, and we don't need to worry.

I don't know what type of server you are using, or the Windows server can consult the service provider to provide suggestions or help add Pseudo static rule

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Article name: WordPress Fixed Link Settings and Pseudo Static Rules
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/19830.html
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