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In May 2020, Alibaba Cloud domain name preferential password _ domain name registration transfer in renewal coupon

In May 2020, Alibaba Cloud domain name preferential passwords were released. Alibaba Cloud domain name preferential passwords are domain name coupons launched by Alibaba Cloud for users to help users buy domain names at preferential prices and renew their fees. Lao Wei summarized that Alibaba Cloud domain name preferential passwords are available for everyone to use in May 2020. No matter whether you want to renew your domain name registration, you can find a suitable coupon here.

The preferential passwords for Alibaba Cloud domain names in May 2020 are as follows

Www. com English domain name renewal: trademark optimization, buy and use
Cn English domain name renewal: trademark registration declaration
Xin domain name registration: seize the day
Xin domain name renewal: not to lose Shaohua

[How to use password]
Preferential password can only be used after successful verification.
The password is updated irregularly. It is only applicable to the PC terminal, ordinary words and limited time and quantity.
The discount password is not used at the same time as other discounts (vouchers, discounts, full discounts, etc.).

[Free transfer in]
1-3 letter. com, 4 initials. com, 1-4 digit. com domain name free transfer

[Batch registration discount]
English. cn domain name, 50 or more single orders, 16 yuan/first year.
English. com domain name, 50 or more single orders, 45 yuan/first year.

usage method

When you register a domain name, check the preferential password before paying, and then you will find that the price has dropped.

Old Wei tried to register the xin domain name at the original price of 88 yuan, which was 32 yuan after using the discount code;

Copy and paste can save 10 yuan, which is also good. If you register domain names in batches, you can save a lot of costs.

 Alibaba Cloud domain name preferential password
Alibaba Cloud domain name preferential password

Weieis notes will be updated irregularly Alibaba Cloud domain name preferential password , help you register domain names to save money.

After registering the domain name, the next step is to set up a website. Lao Wei recommends the following Alibaba Cloud servers, which can be linked through promotional activities. Novices can enjoy super cost performance.

Click me to get it AliCloud 1000 yuan voucher can be used to save money and reduce the cost of going to the cloud when you pay for AliCloud products on cloud kiosks.

For personal blogs and small and medium-sized websites, priority should be given to shared instances. There is no CPU peak limit, and you don't have to worry about getting stuck when running. If you want to run your business smoothly, you should choose exclusive instances such as computing, computing network enhanced, and general network enhanced.

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Article name: Alibaba Cloud Domain Name Preferential Password_Domain Name Registration Transfer in Renewal Coupon in May 2020
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/19779.html
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