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How about Tencent ECS Nanjing region? _ Details of Tencent Cloud East China Nanjing node

Tencent Cloud East China Nanjing Data Center It is an important node of Tencent Cloud in mainland China. The new financial data center can meet the online needs of enterprises in finance, technology, games, AI and other directions, and help regional and enterprise development. From the perspective of Tencent Cloud East China node distribution, there are two major data centers, Shanghai and Nanjing. Shanghai is a competitive place for major cloud businesses. Every cloud computing manufacturer in China has a data center layout, while Nanjing has fewer. Today, Lao Wei will talk about the situation of Tencent Yunjing Data Center in detail.

Where is Tencent ECS Nanjing node

From the product column on Tencent Cloud official website( Click me to enter )It can be found. With the increase of users, it should also be found in various promotional activities.

The Nanjing region plans to have three zones, two of which are currently open: Nanjing Zone 1 and Nanjing Zone 2.

In terms of price, Nanjing is the same as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. If you want to save money Click me to get it Tencent cloud voucher can be offset when making payment, which can save the cost of going to the cloud.

Selected explosives area
618 Zhongshenghui Click to view the purchase
Selected preferential activities Click to view the purchase
Tencent Cloud Preferential Products Zone Click to view the purchase
Cross border e-commerce store server Lightweight application server
Tencent Cloud Animal Palu Game Server Click to view the purchase
For more Tencent Cloud content, please see Tencent Cloud

Tencent ECS Nanjing node speed measurement

Lao Wei selected a Tencent Cloud standard SA2 server at the Nanjing node for testing, and the results are shown in the following figure:

This server is an AMD CPU with good I/O performance. The 1-core 2G1M bandwidth is also good for downloading and uploading speed in domestic cities.

It is very useful for building personal blogs and small websites.

Features of Tencent Cloud's Nanjing node

Located in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, not far from Shanghai, this data center has the following characteristics:

1. A large-scale data center with millions of servers is the largest data center cluster in the industry in East China;

2. Unique high-quality BGP large bandwidth and low latency network

Tencent's unique high-quality BGP, relying on Nanjing's geographical location, the operator's national network architecture and traffic model, combined with Tencent's cloud intelligent routing optimization and scheduling, has an absolutely leading average performance coverage of the national network, while multi-channel BGP networks maximize line stability;

3. Tier3+machine room - international high standard machine room

The international Tier3+high standard machine room, with seismic fortification intensity of 8 degrees, ensures 99.99% continuous power supply rate;

4. 7 × 24 professional IDC services

The data center is resident in Tencent Cloud certified IT field operation and maintenance engineers and infrastructure (power, air conditioning, etc.) engineers throughout the year, providing on-site support for customers 7 × 24 hours a day;

5. One city disaster recovery multi zone disaster recovery system

Nanjing dual zones are opened at the same time. The available zones are interconnected through massive bandwidth optical fibers. The data center delay in the same region is less than or equal to 3ms. When one zone fails due to force majeure, services can be quickly transferred to another zone;

If your customer is in the coastal area, it is very suitable to choose Nanjing node. In addition, CDN can achieve super fast access speed throughout the country. For more information, see Tencent ECS region and region documents

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Article name: How about Tencent Cloud Server in Nanjing? - Details of Tencent Cloud Nodes in Nanjing in East China
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/19711.html
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