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The difference between Alibaba Cloud ECS server public image, custom image, shared image and image market

When users purchase Alibaba Cloud ECS, they will find that ECS server images are divided into public images, custom images, shared images, and image markets. So what are the differences between so many different images, and how should we choose one that suits us? Wei Aisi's notes will share relevant knowledge about Alibaba Cloud images in this article.

What is image

Alibaba Cloud ECS images provide information about creating ECS servers. To create an ECS instance, you must first select an image. In fact, Lao Wei understands that images are like ghost files used by our local computer backup system, which can be quickly deployed to the system, saving a lot of process and time.

 ECS images are divided into public images, custom images, shared images, and image markets
ECS images are divided into public images, custom images, shared images, and image markets

Features and differences of each image

1. Public image

The official licensed image provided by Alibaba Cloud has good security and stability. Public images include Windows Server system images and mainstream Linux system images. At present, Windows server 2012 and 2016 are commonly used, and CentOS is commonly used in Linux systems.

Windows Server and Red Hat Enterprise Linux are charged, and the rest are free.

2. Custom Image

Images created with instances or snapshots, or custom images imported locally. The creator of a custom image can use, share, copy, and delete the image. To put it bluntly, it is the complete backup file of the system generated by yourself, which is reserved for use in case of problems in the future.

Custom images are charged extra.

3. Shared Image

As the name implies, it refers to the image files shared to you by other AliCloud accounts.

4. Mirror market

Including AliCloud official accounts and images provided by third-party service providers. Including the operating system and pre installed software, among which, Lao Wei wrote How to install pagoda panels on Alibaba Cloud ECS servers with one click It refers to the third-party image.

The charging standard is subject to the image charging method provided by the third-party service provider in the image market. The pagoda panel image mentioned above is free of charge.

5. The most common one is the public image. For example, when we install the operating system, we must choose a suitable one for use. Of course, users can also quickly create instances through custom images. There are too many images in the image market, some of which are free and some are paid for.

Reference for details Overview of ECS image

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Article name: Difference between AliCloud ECS Server Public Image, Custom Image, Shared Image and Image Market
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/19670.html
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