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How to choose AliCloud entry-level server _ novice Xiaobai chooses AliCloud entry-level server

Alibaba Cloud entry-level server It mainly includes burst performance instances and shared instances. Generally, entry-level servers are used by beginners, personal blogs, small websites and other lightweight businesses. How to choose is a problem for those who do not know. Lao Wei shares relevant tutorials for these users' selection difficulties to help them buy their own servers.

1、 Alibaba Cloud entry-level server

Although Alibaba Cloud server models are constantly being updated, burst performance instances and shared instances are still popular models of Alibaba Cloud. This is because a considerable number of businesses can run smoothly using both services.

1. Alibaba Cloud burst performance instance

Lao Wei has said a lot about this example (interested Click me to check )This instance is characterized by a CPU baseline performance limit of 20%, low configuration, and low price. It is suitable for personal blogs and small websites.

At present, there are t5 and t6 models on sale. The difference is that t6 is based on Alibaba Cloud DPCA architecture and has stronger performance. The CPU baseline performance was also improved to 40%.

For details, please refer to: Alibaba Cloud burst performance instance t6 and t5 server differences and selection

2. Alibaba Cloud Shared Instance

The system will automatically allocate idle threads of the host (hen) to each shared server, which is different from the exclusive server. The exclusive server has always used this hyper thread, and the business is smooth.

Many Alibaba Cloud shared instances have also been written( Click me to check )This model is applicable to most common businesses. It is characterized by high cost performance and can enjoy higher performance servers for a small amount of money.

2、 Select burst performance instance or shared instance

If your business is personal blogs, small websites and other businesses with a small number of daily visits, as well as lightweight businesses such as storing code, code testing, and programmers' use, the burst performance instance can't be more suitable. Cabbage price plus available performance is the first choice for entry-level business, especially for start-up small and micro enterprises, which can effectively reduce operating costs.

If your business traffic is more than several thousand per day, it is recommended to choose a shared server. Although there are shared hens, Alibaba Cloud shared servers perform very well.

If you have difficulty in selecting the server configuration, model and specification, and do not know how to select it, please add Lao Wei's contact information on the right side of the page to help you.

3、 Preferential activities for sudden performance instances and shared instances

Because it is an entry-level server, these two models are available in almost all Alibaba Cloud activities.

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Article name: How to choose AliCloud entry-level server _ novice Xiaobai chooses AliCloud entry-level server
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/19626.html
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