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How much does it cost to build your own blog and website

How much does it cost to build your own personal blog and small website? Every day, people try to build websites and businesses. For newcomers who just come in contact, they may want to know how much it costs to build a website first, so in this article, Lao Wei will figure out how much it costs to visit the website online from the beginning.

1、 Composition of website construction cost

The three basic elements of building a website are domain name, host and program. In actual operation, the purpose of the website is different, and the cost is also different. See the detailed explanation below.

1. Personal website construction cost

Including domain name fee, server purchase fee, program purchase fee, labor cost

2. Enterprise website construction cost

In addition to the above fees, there will also be customization fees (themes, plug-ins, programs, etc.) and post marketing fees with different business requirements.

2、 Cost components

1. Domain name fee

The domain name is the web address. For example, vpss.net is the domain name of Weieis Notes Com. net. org. cn and other suffixes have different prices. Common domain names cost dozens of yuan a year, and they are renewed every year.

For domain names and how to choose them, please refer to the previous articles of Lao Wei: The Importance of Domain Names to Websites and How to Choose Domain Names

2. Server fees

Server types include virtual machine, cloud server, independent server, etc. From left to right, as the performance becomes stronger, the price becomes more expensive.

A novice uses an ECS machine to build a site, while an enterprise must use an ECS machine to build a site. The performance and configuration of the virtual host are weak. It's OK to use it at the initial stage. Later, when the website traffic is high, it will be replaced with a server.

The server is preferred to Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud for domestic website construction, with good stability and speed.

The difference between the two is that Tencent Cloud is cheaper (the result of market competition), and Alibaba Cloud has more product lines. The gap in technology is small, and the strength is equal.

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3. Program costs

Now both individuals and enterprises are using open source website building programs, such as WordPress, for free download and use at a cost of 0. Those who spend money to buy programs are for commercial purposes, and are highly customized businesses.

4. Labor cost

Personal website building is to design and deploy a website by yourself, which costs a lot of energy and time. It can be seen as no cost, depending on how much you are willing to invest.

Enterprises build websites to do more outsourcing, so there will be labor costs.

5. Customization fee

Including website theme customization and website function customization fees. Prices vary according to business needs and service providers, ranging from hundreds of thousands to tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars.

6. Marketing expenses

If personal and enterprise websites are built for commercial purposes and need to be promoted on the network, it will cost promotion fees; In order to promote brands and products, enterprises need to optimize their websites and promote their websites. Professional SEO promotion is a cost. There will be hundreds of yuan a year for Baidu official website certification, WeChat certification, Weibo certification, etc.

The total cost of website construction is summarized as follows: domain name (tens of yuan)+server (hundreds or thousands of yuan/year)+program (0 yuan or customization cost)+labor cost+customization cost+marketing cost.

3、 For example

For example, Weieis notes, the domain name fee is 60 yuan per year, and the server fee is 300 yuan per year Tencent ECS It's cheaper to buy it for three years at a time). The program costs 0 yuan for wordpress and 499 yuan for theme (lifetime or free theme).

The rest of the fees are done by myself. I can do it when I think about it. If I forget it, it's just like that. It can be regarded as 0.

Finally, add up the cost of building the website of Weieis Notes, which is about 500 yuan a year. This is the overall website cost that Laowei got by taking his own website as an example.

As for your own website, if it is a personal website, the annual cost can be lower than mine. It is OK to find a free theme for use. Only the annual cost of domain name and server renewal is left. If you want to use it for commercial purposes, you may need to add cdn acceleration, object storage, cloud database and so on in cloud computing. This is a specific analysis of the specific situation. If you need to know more about this aspect and have questions, you can contact Lao Wei on the right side of this page to communicate, help you make suggestions and provide reference opinions.

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Article name: How much does it cost to build your own blog and website
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/19472.html
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