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What are the differences between Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud's filing free Hong Kong servers and how to choose a more affordable one?

Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud both provide record free Hong Kong cloud servers. At the same time, as the two giants of cloud computing in China, they are often compared. Today, Lao Wei made a horizontal comparison between AliCloud's cloud small station and Tencent Cloud's selected second kill activity, and the overseas cloud server activity, to help you get a clear picture and see which is more suitable and affordable for your personal business.

The biggest advantage of Hong Kong servers is that they are free of filing and have extremely fast access to mainland users. Including the reason why quite a few webmasters are afraid of trouble in filing; Some friends just buy test code, which may end in a while. It is not worth the trouble to buy a mainland server and then go to the record; Of course, there are also online e-commerce shopping and other businesses that need company qualification in China. Hong Kong servers will be chosen as a convenient and appropriate springboard. In short, the Hong Kong server is an ideal choice for many webmasters. Although it is slightly more expensive than the mainland server, it is still very popular.

1、 AliCloud Hong Kong servers can be as low as 119 yuan/year

This article mainly talks about the Hong Kong server of AliCloud AliCloud Xiaozhan activity page. Because this page is basically the lowest price of Alibaba Cloud, it is representative.

There are 2 types of Hong Kong servers on Alibaba Cloud Xiaozhan:

Burst performance t5 1 nuclear - 1G-1M 119 yuan/year 20% CPU performance high cost performance entry-level user low load application Click here to learn about purchasing
2-core - 4G-5M 2926 yuan/3 years 20% CPU with better performance and price Individual developers and small websites

2、 Tencent Cloud Hong Kong server is as low as 249 yuan/year

The second kill activity of Tencent Cloud Select ECS provided Hong Kong ECS, a standard S2 model, configured with 1-core - 1G memory - 1M bandwidth, 100% CPU performance, and a second discount of 249 yuan/year. Click here to learn about purchasing

3、 Tencent ECS overseas purchase

Features: affordable; Free public IP switching; Covering Europe, the United States, Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia, helping businesses to go to sea; Low latency, high-quality BGP multi line optimization, as fast as domestic visits.

ECS 1 core 2G US/Russia/Germany ECS 2-core 4G Hong Kong/USA/Korea ECS 4-core 8G Hong Kong/USA/Korea
High cost performance, suitable for learning, site building and other scenarios, and essential for entry Specification gold ratio, small steel cannon in server industry, preferred by developers Suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises with certain business volume
Support free public IP switching
It has its own image market, one button installation and application, and the threshold for getting started is low
Support free public IP switching
It has its own image market, one button installation and application, and the threshold for getting started is low
Support free public IP switching
It has its own image market, one button installation and application, and the threshold for getting started is low
318 yuan/year Click me directly Up to 3 years 768 yuan/year Click me directly Up to 3 years 1128 yuan/year Click me directly Up to 3 years

Among them, Hong Kong servers are more affordable:

Two core 4G memory, 3M bandwidth (3M/5M), 768 yuan/year, 3 years optional.
Four cores, 8G memory, 5M bandwidth (5M/10M), 1128 yuan/year, three years of options, can't be more affordable.

In addition, there is a money saving opportunity to collect wool on the activity page of Tencent Cloud: How to save money by collecting wool when Tencent Cloud Global purchases servers in Hong Kong , seeing is making money!

Selected explosives area
618 Zhongshenghui Click to view the purchase
Selected preferential activities Click to view the purchase
Tencent Cloud Preferential Products Zone Click to view the purchase
Cross border e-commerce store server Lightweight application server
Tencent Cloud Animal Palu Game Server Click to view the purchase
For more Tencent Cloud content, please see Tencent Cloud

4、 AliCloud and Tencent Cloud Hong Kong ECS Activity Comparison

This article compares AliCloud Cloud Xiaozhan with the Hong Kong ECS of Tencent Cloud Select Seckill. The difference lies in the same CPU performance and different prices.

In terms of price, Alibaba Cloud is more affordable. It also provides two configurations for businesses with different needs. So what kind of Hong Kong ECS should you choose? Here are some suggestions:

1. It is recommended to choose AliCloud T5 Hong Kong server in pursuit of cost performance, which only costs 119 yuan/year. It is suitable for new sites or small sites with low traffic;

2. It is recommended to choose Tencent Cloud S2 Hong Kong ECS for performance. The CPU performance is 100% available, only 249 yuan/year, which is suitable for most small websites and personal blogs.

3. Friends who know how to optimize website performance recommend Alibaba Cloud T5 ECS. Most small websites and personal blogs have CPU utilization rates between 2% and 10%. T5 is enough. Don't it smell good to save money and buy 4kg pork?

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Article name: "What are the differences between Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud's filing free Hong Kong servers and how to choose more affordable?"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/19338.html
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