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What materials need to be prepared for Alibaba Cloud trademark registration application?

Alibaba Cloud trademark registration application What materials need to be prepared for the service? In many domestic legal disputes, trademark infringement has become very common. Therefore, enterprises must register trademarks and hold their own brand trademarks in their hands so that they can be protected by law. Now, Lao Wei will share the materials needed for trademark registration for you.

1、 Trademark registration application materials

According to the regulations of the Trademark Office, the following materials shall be provided for trademark application:

1. Trademark logo pattern

2. Specify commodity categories and items

3. Qualification certificate of trademark registration applicant

Next, Lao Wei explains in detail what the three materials mean.

For more information, refer to: specific selection Alibaba Cloud Help Document -Search "trademark registration", Alibaba Cloud trademark service>trademark registration application>FAQ>application materials

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From ¥ 300 From ¥ 680 From ¥ 1380
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2、 Trademark logo pattern

It is the appearance of the trademark. For example, users can apply for text or graphic trademarks, and need to prepare the applied trademark pattern in advance.

3、 Specify commodity categories and items

Domestic trademarks are divided into 45 categories. The category and goods/services to which users apply for trademarks, such as food trademarks, are classified as 29 and 30.

4、 Qualification certificate of trademark registration applicant

Whoever applies for a trademark is the subject of trademark application. According to different trademark registration applicants, the certification materials of subject qualification are also different. The subject can be an enterprise or an individual. Enterprises can be domestic enterprises, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and foreign enterprises; Individuals can be mainland individuals, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan or foreign individuals.

1. Subject qualification certificate of domestic legal person or other organizations

The qualification certificate of the company and enterprise subject is the Business License.
The certification document of the entity qualification of the public institution is the Certificate of Public Institution Legal Person.
The qualification certificate of social organization subject is the Social Organization Legal Person Registration Certificate.
The qualification certificate of private non enterprise unit is the Registration Certificate of Private Non enterprise Unit.
The main qualification certificate of the foundation is the Certificate of Registration of Foundation Legal Person.
The main qualification certificate of the law firm is the Law Firm Practice License.

be careful:
The above-mentioned certificates shall be new certificates with social credit codes.
Periodical license, school running license, health license, etc. cannot be used as identity documents of trademark registration applicants.

2. Mainland Individual Subject Qualification Certificate

The main qualification certificate of mainland individuals as trademark registration applicants is ID card.
According to the regulations of the Trademark Office, mainland individuals, as trademark registration applicants, must provide business qualification certificates, that is, the business license of individual businesses where the trademark registration applicant acts as the responsible person, or the trademark registration applicant, as the signatory of the rural contracted operation contract, applies for registration of self operated agricultural and sideline products. A copy of the contract shall be submitted when applying. be careful:
The company business license and enterprise license of the applicant as the legal representative cannot be used as the business qualification certificate of the individual application.

3. Certificate of qualification of Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan or foreign individual subject

The individual subject qualification certificates of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are local identity cards, and the foreign individual subject qualification certificates are passports.
be careful:
The expiration date of the certificate shall be more than one year to avoid rejection of the application due to the expiration of the certificate when the Trademark Office examines it.

4. Qualification certificate of legal person organizations such as Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and foreign enterprises

Legal persons or other organizations such as enterprises in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan of China shall provide documents such as business registration certificate or business registration certificate.
Foreign legal persons or other organizations shall provide the business registration certificate in their mother tongue and translate their names and addresses into Chinese.

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Article name: What materials should be prepared for Alibaba Cloud trademark registration application
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