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Tiler OpenVZ architecture 8 machine room package upgrade double memory

lately Tile mover Official website OpenVZ New changes have been made to the architecture package The original 256MB memory is upgraded to 512MB memory, and other configurations remain unchanged As long as there are 8 computer rooms with optional memory, they have all been upgraded. Because OpenVZ, the tile mover, is generally based on the Linux system, and with the Linux upgrade, it also requires 512MB or more memory configuration for VPS. Considering that the number of visits increases after the development of the website, the simple project use may be reasonable. If it is for the purpose of building a website, the 256MB memory provided in the early stage is really low. After the upgrade, for the purpose of building a website or other resources, There is no problem with memory.

Here are two common configurations:

512MB configuration 1024MB configuration
Memory 512MB Memory 1024MB
Hard disk 10GB SSD Hard disk 20GB SSD
Monthly flow 500GB Monthly flow 500GB
computer room 8 machine rooms computer room 8 machine rooms
Price: Annual payment of USD 19.99 Click me to buy Price: Annual payment of USD 49.99 Click me to buy

It can be said that in the face of the price war and configuration stations of many VPS in the market, the tile removal workers once again offered their sincere feedback to the netizens with the same price and double memory upgrade, so we can start with what we need.

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Article name: Tiler OpenVZ Architecture 8 Machine Room Package Upgrade Double Memory
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/1925.html
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