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How to view which theme is used by others' WordPress websites?

When you see the WordPress website on the Internet, you will have a bright feeling. Either the theme is novel and the layout is attractive, or the theme is suitable for your own use. In short, we want to know the name of the theme, who made it, and where to buy and download it. In this article, Lao Wei shares a variety of ways to view the theme of WordPress website.

1、 View manually

The faster way is to view the source code manually.
Take Chrome browser as an example, open the target website (take the official website of the White House of the United States as an example)( It must be in the blank of the page )Right mouse button;
Select View Web Page Source Code;
Press ctrl+f in the web page source code to search for/wp content/themes/;
If the result is as shown in the figure below, the website is generally produced by wordpress program.

Then look at the whitehouse after the search term, which is the subject name.

2、 View with website

Tool website: whatwpthemeisthat.com

Enter the target web address and see the results as shown in the following figure. The subject name, description and developer information will be extracted.

It's so simple that old Wei Shi doesn't know what to say, so he just likes it.

Tip: Of course, not every website can see the subject name. Some websites will use technical means to block this inspection method.


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Article name: How to view which theme is used by others' WordPress websites
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/19225.html
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