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WordPress external link to internal link plug-in: Simple URLs

Sometimes we need to publish the external links of other websites in the WordPress blog. For the purpose of hiding the actual links (or to reduce the loss of link weight), we need to convert the external links into the internal links. Here we recommend a WordPress external link to internal link plug-in - Simple URLs, which can also count the times of accessing and clicking external links. Here is an introduction to this plug-in.

Introduction to Simple URLs

Simple URLs is a simple and practical WordPress external link to internal link short URL plug-in. Adding links is easier than publishing articles. It also supports statistics of link clicks.

Simple URLs installation

1. Visit the official page of Simple URLs, download and upload to the plug-in directory for installation, or search Simple URLs directly in the background plug-in installation plug-in of the wp blog to find the installation. After a long time of no update, the ranking will be lower, and you can find it by scrolling down.

2. After installing and enabling, add new links and publish them in the background ->Simple URLs ->Add new.

Note: The resulting link style is https://www.kaifaxin.net/go/ The short code, go, is automatically generated. As shown in the figure below, the short code is entered by you, the Redirect URL is the destination address of the final jump, and the fixed link is the internal link you will eventually use.

404 error occurred when the link generated by Simple URLs was opened

When Lao Wei first started the installation, he found that the links generated by Simple URLs could not be skipped. After opening them, a 404 error occurred. The solution is to enter Settings Fixed Links, do not change any options, and directly click Save Changes to use them normally.

If the short connection of simple urls appears on the search page of your site after installation, you can use this method WordPress search results remove short links generated by the Simple Urls plug-in remove.

There are several similar plug-ins with similar functions. If you have no special requirements, it is enough to use the Simple URLs plug-in.

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Article name: WordPress Plug in for External Link to Internal Link: Simple URLs
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/1917.html
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