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What are AliCloud vouchers/delivery vouchers/stored value cards/coupons? What's the difference?

In the expense center on the AliCloud console, you can see the card and voucher management on the left navigation bar. There are several categories: vouchers, delivery vouchers, stored value cards, and coupons. What are these vouchers and what is their use? Listen to Lao Wei.

First, the AliCloud Help Center has an official explanation. You can go to the corresponding introduction page to learn about it. sure Click me directly In Alibaba Cloud official documents, search for vouchers, stored value cards and vouchers to find relevant descriptions. How can we understand it after reading it as an ordinary user?

1、 Bill of lading

Simply put, the pick up voucher is used to pick up an electronic ticket voucher of Alibaba Cloud products with specified specifications. Each pick up voucher corresponds to different specifications and configurations of the cloud products. The cloud product associated with the voucher can be activated after the voucher is obtained.
There are two main ways for users to obtain vouchers: one is through Alibaba Cloud Hi Group And other activities to purchase ECS in the form of vouchers. The second is to participate in some activities that present Alibaba Cloud servers, such as Alibaba Cloud 618 Event Cloud Story Relay.
The validity period of the bill of lading is generally 30 days, which is shorter than that of the stored value card.

2、 Coupon

1. Vouchers are currently provided continuously for a long time. AliCloud vouchers are benefits provided by AliCloud to new users. Users who have not purchased AliCloud products (except domain names) can always purchase them Click me to get it AliCloud vouchers.
2. AliCloud vouchers can be obtained for free, and other vouchers need to be purchased with money.
3. The voucher can be used in a wide range. You can also see different ranges in the voucher list. In addition to domain names, virtual hosts, and cloud market products, vouchers are suitable for most Alibaba Cloud products, such as ECS servers and cloud databases that users purchase most.
4. At present, the total face value of AliCloud vouchers is 2000 yuan. At present, the AliCloud voucher page is renamed as Yunxiaozhan. In addition to providing new users with 2000 yuan vouchers, it also provides the lowest price ECS in AliCloud. Alibaba Cloud will adjust the face value and use conditions of vouchers from time to time.
5. Only one voucher can be used for one order, and multiple vouchers can be used for shopping carts. For example, add multiple AliCloud products to the shopping cart and use multiple vouchers during settlement (as long as the order amount of a single product meets the conditions for using the face value of the vouchers).
6. You can also get an additional 10% discount code from AliCloud when you visit the mobile terminal and get an AliCloud voucher. Get an AliCloud voucher first, and then scan the following QR code with your mobile phone, tablet computer and other mobile devices after getting the voucher. You can use the voucher on the basis of AliCloud vouchers, and then enjoy a 10% discount, that is, a 20% discount.

3、 Stored value card

1. The stored value card is generally used for a single product, and has no flexible versatility of vouchers;
2. The stored value card is a prepaid card. For example, if you buy a 1099 stored value card for 999 yuan, the discount is not as good as Alibaba Cloud vouchers;
3. Stored value cards are mostly launched at AliCloud events, and rarely seen at ordinary times;
4. The validity period of storage cards is relatively long, and many of them can reach March 31 of the next year, which is suitable for users to reserve long-term business in advance;
5. The stored value card can be used for new purchase and renewal of AliCloud products, and supports monthly subscription and pay as you go;
6. After the order payment is deducted from the stored value card, the unused balance is retained until the expiration of the validity period, and the balance can be used for the payment of another order.

4、 Coupon

At present, Alibaba Cloud coupons refer to Alibaba Cloud vouchers, so I won't repeat.

5、 Difference and use

1. AliCloud vouchers and coupons are free benefits for new users. Users who meet the requirements can receive them at any time. They are suitable for customized users.
2. Stored value cards can only be bought during activities, which has the advantages of long validity and flexible use.
3. The voucher is used for promotional activities such as Hi Grouping and our participation in Alibaba Cloud incentive activities.

Lao Wei suggested that if you need to buy Alibaba Cloud servers and other products, first check whether Alibaba Cloud Hi Grouping and other promotional activities are suitable. If not, go Cloud money explosion activity To purchase, if you plan to go to the cloud in the future, you will reserve the stored value card in advance when Alibaba Cloud launches an activity.

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Article name: What are AliCloud vouchers/delivery vouchers/stored value cards/coupons? What's the difference
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/19010.html
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