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After Double 11, choose entry-level cloud server, 1-core 2G1M, 88 yuan/year, 268 yuan/3 years, and why choose Tencent Cloud?

In 2019, some of them also bought suitable ECS. For those who missed the carnival, don't regret it. Tencent Cloud will continue to provide double 11 models and prices for you to choose from. Today, Mr. Wei came to talk about how to choose an entry-level server and why to choose Tencent Cloud after the Double 11.

1、 What is an entry-level server?

1. So called Entry server In fact, there is no unified official statement. However, Lao Wei counted the data of the major cloud service providers at home and abroad, and finally came to the conclusion that 1 core 1G memory and 1 core 2G memory are generally classified as entry-level servers. If you don't believe it, you can go to Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud, Huawei Cloud and other famous cloud servers in China, and basically do this.

2. Before 2019, the entry-level servers mainly promoted by major domestic cloud server businesses were 1 core, 1 g memory and 1 M bandwidth. Since 2019, Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud, which have a large share of the domestic market, have been promoting 1 core, 2 g memory, 1 M bandwidth The entry-level server. That is to say, at the same price, you can only buy 1 core, 1 g memory, and 1 M bandwidth servers last year. This year, you can buy 1 core, 2 g memory, and 1 M bandwidth servers.

2、 Introduction to Tencent Cloud Entry Server

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Time: November 1, 2019 December 2, 2019

During the Double 11, Tencent Cloud launched an ultra-low price entry-level server with 1 core, 2G memory and 1M bandwidth for everyone to choose from, which is suitable for personal blogs and small and medium-sized websites. The daily flow of 1000/2000PV can run smoothly.

One core 2G Guangzhou/Shanghai New users only 1 core 4G Shanghai/Beijing New users only
Standard S4/S2 100% CPU performance fully exclusive resources Standard S4/S2 100% CPU performance fully exclusive resources
88 yuan/year Click me directly 268 yuan/3 years Click me directly

The configuration, region, model and performance of the two servers are identical, but the only difference is the duration. Some people said that the price was 4 yuan more expensive after 3 years. I don't want to spend more money, just buy it for one year. If you only need to use it for a short time, one year will save money and be enough. If you plan to use it for a long time, it is recommended to choose 3 years. Why do you say that?

Because this model is only available to new users. When you buy it for one year, your identity will automatically become an old user. When the renewal expires one year later, it will become the original renewal price, which is very expensive. So it is more cost-effective to buy long-term business for three years at a time.

Selected explosives area
618 Zhongshenghui Click to view the purchase
Selected preferential activities Click to view the purchase
Tencent Cloud Preferential Products Zone Click to view the purchase
Cross border e-commerce store server Lightweight application server
Tencent Cloud Animal Palu Game Server Click to view the purchase
For more Tencent Cloud content, please see Tencent Cloud

3、 Why did Wei recommend Tencent Cloud?

1. All Tencent ECS servers have 100% CPU performance, without any restrictions; Completely enjoy resources without resource contention;

2. A domestic peer cloud server with the same configuration limited to 20% CPU costs 86 yuan/year (double 11 price), while Tencent Cloud entry-level server at the same price, based on excellent comprehensive performance, has an extremely high cost performance ratio;

3. Weiaisi blog itself is on Tencent cloud server, and it has been 3 years since this article was published. There are no 404 or 502 errors that make it unable to open, unstable or slow. We always provide stable basic support for blogs.

4. The after-sales service period was of a very high standard. Old Wei often sends work orders to ask questions on Tencent Cloud. The questions are not only personal, but also helpful to friends. Sometimes the customer service will take pains to answer the pre-sales price, performance, configuration, how to use and other questions. Sometimes, when encountering technical problems in after-sales, they also call directly to communicate. Old Wei remembered that one time it was more than 11 o'clock at night when he sent a work order. He didn't understand what a product meant and how to use it. Soon the customer service phone came, and the problem was successfully solved after half an hour of communication.

To sum up the above points, Lao Wei recommends that users who set up personal blogs and small and medium-sized websites give priority to Tencent Cloud Server, which has high cost performance and good performance. Choosing Tencent Cloud will be worth more.

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Article name: "After Double 11, choose entry-level cloud server 1 core 2G1M 88 yuan/year 268 yuan/3 years and why choose Tencent Cloud?"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/18857.html
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