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What versions of AliCloud SSL certificates are there? What are the partners

AliCloud SSL Certificate Alibaba Cloud cooperates with well-known CA certificate manufacturers at home and abroad to directly provide server digital certificates and deployments on Alibaba Cloud. Alibaba Cloud users can purchase or even obtain SSL certificates for free on the cloud platform. One click deployment in Alibaba Cloud products will cost a short time and lower costs to convert websites to https. In this article, Mr. Wei shared the versions of AliCloud SSL certificates and the partner organizations to help you better understand the details of AliCloud SSL certificates and better select the SSL certificates that are suitable for you.

For more information about AliCloud SSL certificates, see Alibaba Cloud Help Document , search [SSL Certificate], and you can find it in the list.

1、 Symantec

Symantec is the world's largest digital certificate authority and the world's most trusted SSL certificate brand. All certificates use industry-leading encryption technology to provide security solutions for different websites and servers.
Available version:
1. Professional OV Certificate
2. Enhanced EV Certificate
3. Advanced EV Certificate
4. Wildcard DV Certificate
5. Free DV

2、 GeoTrust

GeoTrust is the world's second largest digital certificate authority, which uses various advanced technologies to ensure the security of institutions and companies. It has been acquired by Symantec.
Available version:
1. Professional OV Certificate
2. Advanced EV Certificate
3. Wildcard DV Certificate
Materials to be submitted: business license

3、 GMO GlobalSign

GMO GlobalSign is one of the earliest digital certificate certification agencies in the world, dedicated to network security certification and digital certificate services, and a trusted CA and SSL digital certificate provider.
Version provided: professional OV certificate


The certificate of China Financial Certification Center (CFCA) is a purely domestic certificate, which is independently developed by China's digital certification authority.
Available version:
1. Professional OV Certificate
2. Advanced EV Certificate
Before AliCloud pays, Click me to get it AliCloud vouchers can be used to offset the amount of cloud products, so as to save the cost of going to the cloud.

5、 Certificate Selection Comparison Table

My personal blog suggests that Symantec's free SSL certificate is enough. Enterprises, companies and long-term large-scale business and e-commerce websites choose paid websites.

Related content: Detailed types and introduction of AliCloud SSL certificates
Alibaba Cloud Free SSL Certificate Application Tutorial

Certificate requirements Optional Certificate Type Optional brands Domain name type Number of protected domain names Number of certificates available for purchase Available time Purchase entrance
Protect *. vpss.net unlimited unlimited Wildcard domain name one one 1 or 2 years Click me directly
Protect *. market.vpss.net unlimited unlimited Wildcard domain name one one 1 or 2 years
Protect www.market.vpss.net unlimited unlimited 1 domain name one one 1 or 2 years
Protect multiple domain names:






OV/EV unlimited Multiple domain names five one 1 or 2 years
You need to merge multiple certificates into one Only professional OV+enhanced OV is supported The same brand must be selected for multiple certificates. unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited
The certificate needs to support ECC algorithm Only professional OV+enhanced EV is supported Symantec unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited
The certificate needs to support ECC algorithm Professional OV GlobalSign unlimited unlimited unlimited unlimited
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Article name: What versions of AliCloud SSL certificates are _ What are the partners
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/18787.html
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