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On November 11, 2019, Alibaba Cloud database can be purchased at a discount of 80% for one year, with a maximum of RMB 20000 free of expert services

From October 24 to November 22, 2019, Alibaba Cloud database products will be purchased and upgraded at a discount of 80% for one year, with a maximum of 20000 yuan of free Alibaba Cloud expert services. Database experts will help you to go to the cloud without worry!

1、 Activity address

Click me directly Database Double 11 Carnival Page

1、 Complimentary database expert service voucher

The cloud database products have not been newly purchased or upgraded during the event. Go to see the cloud database products below! Expert service vouchers will be issued on November 30.
1. ¥ 3000 Alibaba Cloud database expert service voucher, which can be obtained by purchasing new/upgraded cloud database products totaling 30000 yuan from October 24 to November 22;
2. ¥ 8000 AliCloud database expert service voucher, which can be obtained by purchasing new/upgraded cloud database products totaling 50000 yuan from October 24 to November 22;
3. ¥ 20000 Alibaba Cloud database expert service voucher, which can be obtained by purchasing new/upgraded cloud database products totaling 100000 yuan from October 24 to November 22.
4. What is Alibaba Cloud database expert service?
The Alibaba Cloud database expert service team, all from Alibaba Cloud DBA team and database kernel team, has participated in the escort activities of the Double 11 Festival for many times over the years to provide customers with the top-notch database services of the original Alibaba factory. Provide cloud database emergency rescue, instance health diagnosis and other services.
2、 New purchase and upgrade: 20% off for 1 year, and will be launched on November 1


1、 Click me directly Relational database, which supports ACID and SQL standards to quickly respond to complex business scenarios; Extreme performance index: maximum QPS 137000/maximum concurrent number 100000

2、 Click me directly NoSQL database supports cache, document, column storage and other databases to easily cope with sudden business growth; Extreme performance index: maximum QPS 1.3 million/maximum data storage capacity 32TB
5、 Click me directly Ecological tools: Alibaba Cloud provides a series of database related tools, such as data transmission (DTS), database backup (DBS), and database management (DMS), to make using Alibaba Cloud databases more efficient and convenient.
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Article name: "On November 11, 2019, Alibaba Cloud database will be purchased at a discount of 80% for one year, with a maximum of RMB 20000 free of expert services."
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/18508.html
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