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2019 Double 11 Alibaba Cloud Pintuan ECS 1 core 2G1M 86 yuan/year 229 yuan/3 years 2 core 4G3M799 yuan/3 years

The 2019 Double 11 AliCloud event started. Are you a bit dazzled by so many activities? Old Wei selects the activities that are more beneficial to new users and selects them for everyone. If we need to purchase AliCloud servers and have low requirements for server configuration, Pintuan servers are very suitable.

1、 The venue of the group competition activity: Click to enter the 2019 Alibaba Cloud Double 11 competition venue

As shown in the figure below, the lowest price of this year's Double 11 Grouped ECS is only 86 yuan. The server is configured with 1 core, 2G memory, and 1M bandwidth, which is suitable for personal webmasters and ordinary small websites.

Someone said that the 86 yuan 1-core 2G server is not a burst performance instance t5? Yes, just a few days ago, the t5 instance just upgraded its CPU baseline performance from 10%~15% to 20%~25%. Lao Wei also measured that the overall performance has indeed improved to a certain extent, which can meet the lightweight use of small websites. A new t5 review article will be shared later.

2、 The configuration of Pintuan ECS is as follows:

Instance type Specific configuration Years Price link
Burst performance t5 1-core 2G1M 1 year eighty-six Click me directly
Burst performance t5 1-core 2G1M 3 years two hundred and twenty-nine
Shared n4 2-core 4G3M 3 years seven hundred and ninety-nine
Shared universal mn4 2-core 8G5M 3 years one thousand three hundred and ninety-nine
Burst performance t5 (Hong Kong) 1-core 1G1M 1 year one hundred and nineteen

3、 How to choose?

1. One core 2G ECS is only 86 yuan/year. This model has always been very popular, cheap and provincial in performance. For personal websites and small websites with low traffic, this ECS is the most suitable choice.

2. The shared n4 instance has two cores, 4G memory, and 3M bandwidth, which is only 799 yuan/3 years. Compared with the t5 instance, this model does not limit CPU performance and has a higher configuration. It is recommended that individuals or enterprise users with high demand for ECS purchase ordinary business. 3M bandwidth is enough to meet most common business needs.

3. Shared universal mn4 instance 2-core 8G cloud 5M server, only 1399 yuan/3 years. This model is strongly recommended by Lao Wei. It has a very high configuration, bandwidth, duration, and comprehensive cost performance ratio. The average annual price is 400 yuan, which can meet the cloud needs of more than 80% of enterprise users. You should start early, and there will be no shop after passing this village.

Tip: Tencent Cloud has always said that the selected seckill activity will not be canceled, which is a long-term activity. As a result, it was not quietly canceled before the advent of Double 11. I wonder whether it can be re launched in the future. Therefore, when encountering suitable activities, we must start as soon as possible to avoid long dreams at night.

4. One core 1G Hong Kong server discount is only 119 yuan/year. Although the configuration of this model is not high, it can meet the use needs of ordinary websites, but the advantage is that it can avoid the tedious process of filing, and can launch the website and carry out business in the shortest time.

If the above server cannot meet the requirements, you can also go to AliCloud Double 11 Main Venue And get 100 million yuan double 11 vouchers for participating in the answer. In addition, there are more preferential prices for ECS in the main venue, such as the general-purpose g5 instance, 4-core, 16G memory, 8M, 3471 yuan/year. This is not over yet. We can also participate in surprise activities such as drawing koi and sending iPhone 11 Pro at the main venue.

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Article name: "On November 11, 2019, Alibaba Cloud Pintuan ECS 1 core 2G1M 86 yuan/year 229 yuan/3 years, 2 core 4G3M799 yuan/3 years"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/18499.html
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