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In October 2019, Alibaba Cloud database promotional activities will be held with a discount of 2 new users

In the early stage of Alibaba Cloud's Double 11 in 2019, we launched a 20% discount database promotion for new users to warm up. This activity is mainly aimed at new users of cloud database. For users who have not purchased cloud database, a relatively good experience price was introduced.

Click me directly AliCloud database activity page

Time: October 1, 2019 - October 31, 2019

Activity content: trial price for new users. During the activity, users who have never purchased Alibaba Cloud RDS products can try the price and purchase the specified specifications of Alibaba Cloud RDS for MySQL products.

The specific specifications/configuration parameter prices of the activities are shown in the table below:

MySQL 8.0 Basic Edition MySQL 8.0 high availability version MySQL 8.0 high availability version MySQL 8.0 high availability version
One of the most popular open source databases in the world, with high security level, high stability and 5 times performance improvement
One core CPU, 2G memory, 20GB SSD cloud disk 2-core CPU 4G memory 50GB SSD cloud disk 4-core CPU 16G memory 100GB SSD cloud disk
388/1 year Click me directly 988/1 Click me directly 1888/1 Click me directly 5888 yuan/year Click me directly

Basic version: single node instance, which adopts the architecture of separation of computing and storage, and can achieve ultra-high cost performance. Applicable to: personal learning, micro websites, development and testing environment for small and medium-sized enterprises.

High availability version: the classic high availability architecture of one active and one standby is adopted, which is suitable for more than 80% of user scenarios.

From the above description, you can choose the appropriate database to use according to your personal business needs.

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Article name: New User 2 of Alibaba Cloud Database Promotion in October 2019
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/18328.html
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