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How about the configuration performance and price of Alibaba Cloud burst performance instance t6 server?

Recently Alibaba Cloud burst performance instance t6 As for the server, a friend came to Weieis Blog to ask, there was a t5 before, but now what type of t6 is coming out, configuration, performance and price? For the purpose of popularizing cloud server knowledge, Mr. Wei will explain this knowledge in detail, recognize the situation of burst performance instance t6, and help you choose the appropriate server.

1、 Where to find burst performance instance t6

Click me directly On the AliCloud ECS purchase page, click "Buy Now" to enter the configuration page, then click "Custom Purchase" at the top, select "Beijing" for the region, and enter t6 below to search.

Before payment Click me to get it AliCloud 1000 yuan voucher can be used to offset the payment amount, which can save you money.

2、 Detailed analysis of burst performance instance t6

1. CPU: Intel (R) Xeon (R) Platinum 8269CY This CPU has better performance than the CPU of t5 instance

2. The CPU memory ratio is not consistent, from the smallest 2c0.5g to 2c1g, 2c2g, 2c4g, 2c8g, 4c16g, 8c32g, etc.

The smallest two core 0.5g is also rare. It is estimated that few services can use it.

3. CPU peak performance: from 5% to 40%, not all of them are 40%.

4. Some thoughts of Lao Wei are as follows:

Alibaba Cloud is also fascinated by the burst performance instance. The Internet has been shouting about this instance everywhere. Many people say that they are stuck after buying the T5 cheaply. Although Alibaba Cloud officials can hear so many complaints, they still insist on selling them. It shows that the burst performance instance has its existence significance and usage scenarios. After all, what we bought was not sold shrewdly. Since the authorities have tried their best to introduce such examples, they must have gone through big data statistics and detailed investigation in advance.

Burst performance instances are introduced for services that are not normally used but frequently used in a certain period of time. For example, during the discount period, the activity period, or some businesses that use system resources at a low frequency for a long time, the CPU utilization rate in this usage scenario is less than 10% - 40% for a long time. If an exclusive host is provided, most of the resources will be wasted. Users can't make full use of their money, and Alibaba Cloud resources will also be wasted. Burst performance instances are introduced for these reasons.

Therefore, before you buy a burst performance instance, you should know whether your business is suitable for use. For example, Weieis Blog uses a 1-core 1G memory cloud server, and has seen that the average CPU utilization rate in the last half of the year is about 40%, which is not suitable for using burst performance instances, far beyond the CPU peak limit. If you insist on using burst performance instances, they will continue to get stuck later. In general, this instance is not recommended for personal blogs and small websites. Maybe you spend a little money to buy a server, open the front page card after running for a period of time, and the back management card is also used. How can you use it?

For personal blogs and small and medium-sized websites, you can give priority to shared instances. After all, there is no CPU peak limit, and you don't have to worry about getting stuck when running. If you want to run your business smoothly, you should choose exclusive instances such as computing, computing network enhanced, and general network enhanced.

Optional reference for shared instances:

Click me directly On the AliCloud national cloud computing page, three ECS servers are folded, and more than one is selected for preferential configuration;

For computing and computing network enhanced instances, please refer to:

Click me directly Alibaba Cloud enterprise level ECS page, a 50% discount for high-performance enterprise level ECS.

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Article name: How about the configuration performance and price of Alibaba Cloud burst performance instance t6 server
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/17957.html
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