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Alibaba Cloud Hi Group 1-core 2G Hong Kong 719 yuan/3 years 2-core 1G T6 148 yuan/year 2-core 4G exclusive 939 yuan/year

Alibaba Cloud Hi Group The activity started, and the price of virtual machine was as low as 148 yuan/year. Alibaba Cloud servers have stable performance and extremely fast network speed, attracting many users. Alibaba Cloud servers have corresponding configurations for different industries, including website building, e-commerce, program trading, AI big data, Internet of Things applications and other needs. For those who want to buy Alibaba Cloud servers, the current Hi Group is a good opportunity.

1、 Hi Group Page

Click me directly Activity Page

Target: registered member users who have been authenticated by their real names on Alibaba Cloud official website.

Time: May 14, 2019 to March 31, 2020.

Activity rules: If you have purchased products from Alibaba Cloud, you can share this activity below. As long as one user is invited to complete the purchase, you can enjoy a 20% discount on the direct purchase price to qualify for the following products.

If you are a new user, remember not to start a group by yourself. Click the link above to buy the group directly, which is the most favorable price.

2、 Active configuration model

The main models of this activity are ECS, including burst performance instance t5/t6, computing network enhanced sn1ne/sn2ne, and shared n4.

1. If you don't want to file, choose Hong Kong host.

ECS burst performance T5-3 years (3 years)

You can also choose lightweight application servers: Click me directly

2. The new burst performance instance t6 is an advanced version of t5. The difference is that the CPU peak value is limited to 40%, and the performance is a step higher than t5.

3. The following burst performance instances t5/t6, computing network enhanced sn1ne/sn2ne, shared n4 and other servers with different configurations, durations and models can be selected as needed.

The products of this Alibaba Cloud Hi Grouping activity include ECS with different configurations of low configuration and high configuration, including CPU and memory, which are different from the usual configurations. Before purchasing, you should be clear about the 2-core 1G memory, 1-core 2G, and 2-core 2G models, which are not very common in Alibaba Cloud at ordinary times. Different configurations correspond to different business requirements. Choosing the appropriate configuration can make the most of your business environment.

Compared with the regular price, the price of ECS with other configurations has also been greatly reduced. You can view it directly on the activity page.

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Article name: Alibaba Cloud Hi Group 1-core 2G Hong Kong 719 yuan/3 years 2-core 1G T6 148 yuan/year 2-core 4G exclusive 939 yuan/year
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/17942.html
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