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Tencent Cloud Domain Name Enterprise Real Name Authentication Operation Process A must see tutorial for newcomers!

After buying the Tencent cloud domain name, if the user information filled in when registering the domain name is enterprise information, you need to fill in enterprise information for enterprise authentication. According to the requirements of the superior, the domain name can be used normally after real name authentication. Weieis Blog Sharing Tencent cloud domain name enterprise real name authentication Operation process for newly registered users.

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1、 Query unauthenticated domain names

Click me to log in Tencent Cloud Console.
Select Cloud Products>Domain Name and Website>Domain Name Management to enter domain name management.
In the left navigation bar, select My Domain Name>Unreal Name Authentication to view the list of all domain names that have not been authenticated.

2、 Submit certification materials

1. Select the domain name that needs real name authentication to enter the real name authentication page.

2. Check the authentication domain name information, and change it if there is any error.

Certificate type options:
Scanning copy of valid industrial and commercial business license
Scanning copy of valid organization code certificate
Scanning copy of valid unified social credit code certificate
Other valid certificates with 18 digit unified social credit code
Check the ID number automatically supplemented by the system and submit it.

3. Waiting for audit results

Wait 3 – 5 working days after submitting materials. An email notification will be sent if the review is passed.

The domain name association has passed the authentication of the information template, and the domain name authentication passed within 1 working day.

If the review result shows that the application is not passed, the reason for the failure will be prompted in the email, SMS and in station letter, and the application will be submitted again after modification.

4. After the domain name passes the real name authentication, you can buy a host to build a website. The stable and fast Tencent ECS is suitable for selection. Lao Wei recommends the following promotional activities:

Click me directly [Limited second kill for new users] Limited second kill for popular cloud products, cloud server 1 core 2G 16.5 yuan/month

Click me directly [Selected Seckill Activity] Popular ECS 1 core 2G memory 198 yuan/year

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Article name: Tencent Cloud Domain Name Enterprise Real Name Authentication Operation Process A must see tutorial for newcomers
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/17793.html
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