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How to modify the php version and parameters for the new SiteGround

new edition How SiteGround modifies the php version And parameters? The cPanel panel has been removed from the background of the new siteground and a new background has been installed. Old Wei is much more comfortable with it than before. However, many friends are not familiar with the background of this new version, and do not know how to modify the php version and related parameters. Weieis Blog will share relevant details in this article, so that you can understand at a glance.

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About SiteGround: SiteGround Theme

1、 SiteGround official website

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Click websites>>site tools to enter the website management panel

2、 PHP version and parameter modification process

In the left menu bar DEVS>>PHP Manager, you can see that PHP VERSION can modify the PHP version, while PHP VARIABLES can modify the PHP parameters.

1. Click the pencil on the right side of the current php 7.1.30, and select the appropriate php version for the website from the options. For topics such as avada, the7, and newspaper, it is recommended to select the php 7.2 and php 7.3 versions.

2. Pull the progress bar of PHP VARIABLES to the bottom, click [load more], you can see many PHP parameters, and click [pencil] at the back to modify (change value) parameters. If the pencil is tinted, it cannot be modified (variable can't be changed).

For example, the max_input_vars value can be modified, while the max_execution_time/max_input_time/memory_limit/post_max_size value cannot be modified. Lao Wei consulted the official help document and found that some parameters of the siteground virtual host could not be modified, because the php settings of the virtual host were shared by everyone, and fixed values were set for convenience. You can see which parameters are available and which are unavailable.

For more information about siteground, please Click me directly Check the relevant articles written by Lao Wei.

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Article name: How does the new SiteGround modify the php version and parameters
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/17609.html
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