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404 error prompt caused by WordPress not opening fixed link

One hot autumn afternoon, when Old Wei was sleepy, a group friend @ Qiubai asked: "How to solve the 404 error prompt when you click the article page on the new Wordpress website?"? The screenshot of the error is as follows. In order to view the old Wei, he PS two pictures to one.

After inquiry, he learned that the pagoda panel was used. Lao Wei asked him to try WordPress pseudo static. After trying, the error message remained unchanged. Later, when Lao Wei was busy with something on hand, he didn't delve into it. After a while, he said that it was because the fixed connection was not set. At this time, Old Wei also reflected that if the fixed connection was not set at the beginning of building the site, 404 error prompts might appear.

I wrote an article before Resolve the 404 error of wordpress website page in the pagoda panel environment The content of is also about WordPress encountering 404 errors, which can be used as a reference.

How to set fixed links?

In the Wordpress management panel>>Settings>>Fixed Links.

There are several common settings:

1. Simple, date and name type, month and name type, number type, article name, user-defined structure.

2. The first few are the default link settings, which look like a folder;

3. The user-defined structure provides several available labels. After setting, it can be a folder structure, or it can be set like Lao Wei. Html looks like a static page (not a real static page, it should be called pseudo static), which belongs to the common web page structure, and is more popular.

After setting, be sure to click "Save Changes" below. In addition, there are many times that a 404 error prompt appears on the WordPress web page. Click here to save the changes, and it will return to normal.


1. Fixed links should be set up at the beginning of the site, and should not be modified.

2. If you want to do a good job of 301 jump in later changes, you should choose Redirection plug-in to solve the problem, but you'd better not change it, which will do great harm to the weight and ranking of search engines.

3. Fixed links are just a matter of personal habits. From the perspective of current search engines, they will not be treated differently and will not give a comparison of who is higher and who is lower.

4. Any link is OK. Lao Wei chose a custom structure that most people are accustomed to. Some people also used the Chinese to Pinyin conversion plug-in to implement the Pinyin structure. In short, don't be too troublesome or complicated.

After you set the fixed link, whether you use Apache or nginx, you should set the pseudo static in the panel. For example, in the pagoda panel, you need to add wordpress pseudo static rules. If you cooperate well, the front-end web page can be opened normally.

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Article name: 404 Error Prompt Caused by WordPress Failure to Open Fixed Links
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/17519.html
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